ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. STATE PRISON - DAY - ESTABLISHING A gray, monolithic structure. BREWSTER'S VOICE Before this parole board renders its decision, do you have anything to say in your own behalf? INT. STATE PRISON - HEARING ROOM - DAY A three-man parole board is seated at one side of a hearing table with its head officer, Brewster, in the middle. Seated at a table, facing the parole board, is a prisoner in his early forties, Peter McCord. Two guards stand on either side of him. The only other two people in the room are Phillip Hunt, a state official, a distinguished man in his early fifties, and plainclothes officer, Rogers. MC CORD Yeah, I have something to say. I don't want parole. Brewster isn't used to this kind of response. He and Hunt share a look. BREWSTER Mr. McCord, this is a prison, not a hotel. You are eligible for parole. When McCord sees Brewster make eye contact with Hunt again, McCord turns to look at Hunt. MC CORD Who are you? Hunt doesn't answer. McCord looks back at Brewster. MC CORD What's going on here? You ram through a parole...this guy sits here nodding like Solomon...I know my rights. You can't force me to leave. Brewster stares at McCord, then whispers something to each of the other board members. BREWSTER Having been duly constituted and authorized by the Department of Corrections, this board grants parole to Peter McCord. McCord stands, outraged. He looks from Brewster to Hunt. Then, in a flash, moves to a guard and punches him. The guard recovers quickly and the other guard pulls his club. BREWSTER All right -- if that's the way you want it, you've got it. Parole is hereby revoked. (to guards) Get him out of here. McCord is hustled out. Hunt is keenly disappointed. HUNT (to Rogers) Get Devon Miles on the phone. CUT TO EXT. PRISON YARD - DAY It is early morning. Armed guards keep watch on the walls and in the yard. There are no prisoners in the exercise yard. From O.S., we hear the sound of an approaching vehicle. ANGLE ON MAIN GATE which swings open to admit a police van, its windows covered with wire mesh. We follow the van as it pulls forward and comes to a stop in the compound. Two guards climb out of the cab, then move to open the doors. One by one the prisoners, dressed in prison blue denim shirts and jeans, climb out of the van. They are handcuffed and shackled together. As the last prisoner bends his head to duck out, we see that it is Michael Knight, a days growth of beard on his face. As Michael steps down, we: CUT TO INT. PRISON - MC CORD'S CELL - DAY Peter McCord is alone in the cell, reading a book. The cell is more library than living space: stacks of books are piled on the floor. Next to the bunk beds are magazine ads, all featuring the same strikingly beautiful girl in her early twenties, who we'll come to know as Lisa Martinson. In the b.g. are sounds of men shouting, televisions playing, radios blaring -- the cacophony of prison life. At the sound of footsteps approaching, McCord looks up to see Michael being escorted by Jeffries a prison guard. Michael carries bedding and a packet of toiletries. Jeffries unlocks the prison door and Michael steps in. Jeffries slams the door shut, locks it, then moves off. Michael and McCord eye one another. MICHAEL How you doin'? McCord regards him. MC CORD I like it better alone. Every guy they put in here wants to tell me his life story. The names change but they're all the same. Michael shrugs, stows his gear. MICHAEL Yours too? MC CORD (a look) Yeah. And McCord goes back to his book. Michael throws his bedding on the top bunk. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - FOUNDATION SEMI as it heads down a rural highway. DEVON'S VOICE There's not much time left. Is Kitt ready? INT. FOUNDATION SEMI - DAY April is working intensely on K.I.T.T. Devon enters from the private compartment, crosses to stand behind her. APRIL Almost. (beat) Devon, does anyone at the prison besides the warden know about this? DEVON No. K.I.T.T. This sounds awfully dangerous. APRIL I agree. Is there another way to accomplish it? DEVON Not according to Phillip Hunt. If the prisoner in question isn't released by noon tomorrow, a Minotaur bomb will be detonated somewhere in the heart of the city. K.I.T.T. According to my data, the Minotaur is an extremely powerful variation of a plastique explosive. APRIL And difficult to detect. (beat) Devon, if the threat was phoned in anonymously, it could be a hoax. DEVON The bomb was stolen from a military depot last week -- and the caller described it in detail. It's no hoax. K.I.T.T. If I'm fully prepared, April, I'd like to commence as soon as possible. The thought of Michael alone in that awful place is quite disconcerting. APRIL I've adjusted the thrust on turbo boost and programmed everything you should need. You're as prepared as you're going to be. DEVON Bring him home safely, Kitt. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The ramp opens and K.I.T.T. backs out, driverless. He hits the road, then passes the semi and heads up the highway. ANGLE ON HIGHWAY as K.I.T.T. roars past a hitch-hiker at the side of the road. The guy waves his thumb at K.I.T.T., sees no one behind the wheel, and gawks in disbelief. Off his incredulous look: CUT TO INT. MC CORD'S CELL - DAY Michael paces. McCord is lying on his bunk reading a book. Michael walks over and gazes at the magazine pictures. MICHAEL Great legs. MC CORD Get away from there. MICHAEL You got 'em up on the wall, looks like public domain to me.... McCord gets off the bed, faces Michael. MC CORD It's not. Now move it...! JEFFRIES' VOICE Warden wants to see you. NEW ANGLE TO INCLUDE JEFFRIES who unlocks the cell door. MC CORD Who? JEFFRIES Both of you. Let's go. MC CORD I don't want to see the warden. JEFFRIES It's not an invitation, McCord. Michael exits the cell. McCord reluctantly follows. EXT. PRISON YARD - DAY Michael, McCord and Jeffries emerge from the cellblock and begin to walk across the open yard. ANGLE ON WATCH TOWER A guard peers outside the compound. He does a double take when he sees the driverless K.I.T.T. coming up the road to the prison. The guard hesitates, starts to call for help, stops, looks back at the car, making sure he's seeing what it is he thinks he's seeing. ANGLE ON MICHAEL, MC CORD AND JEFFRIES They are about halfway across the yard. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. suddenly he pours it on, racing for the wall at breakneck speed. The guard in the watch tower is surprised at this obviously suicidal move, until.... ANGLE WITH K.I.T.T. as he turbo-boosts up, up and over the prison wall. EXT. PRISON YARD - DAY - ANGLE ON MICHAEL, MC CORD AND JEFFRIES K.I.T.T. lands and locks his brakes, skidding to a stop. Jeffries snaps out of his shock long enough to dive out of the way. McCord stares at the black Trans Am. MICHAEL Get in! MC CORD What?! No way I'm gonna --- K.I.T.T. springs open his doors and Michael pushes McCord inside. By the time Michael dives in the driver's side, the guards begin to open fire. Bullets ricochet off. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY McCord tries desperately to get out, but K.I.T.T.'s door is locked tight. The guards continue to fire at the car. Michael slams K.I.T.T. into gear. MICHAEL Kitt, let's go! K.I.T.T. Michael, even with the adjusted turbo boost, I may need a longer approach to clear the wall. McCord looks around for the voice, confused by the rapid- fire series of events. MICHAEL Can't give it to you, pal. Let's go! Michael accelerates and hits the turbo boost. ANGLE WITH K.I.T.T. He barely clears the top of the wall. EXT. PRISON - ROAD - DAY K.I.T.T. comes back to earth and roars down the road. Sirens begin to wail from inside the prison. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING McCord is stunned, looks pale, desperate. MC CORD If you want to do this, okay -- but count me out. MICHAEL Sorry, McCord. Can't do that. McCord grabs the wheel and Michael wrestles him for it. K.I.T.T. is swerving all over the road. MICHAEL Kitt, go on auto-pilot! K.I.T.T. complies. K.I.T.T. Kindly unhand me, you hard-rock con. This startles McCord enough to make him stop his struggle. Michael quickly takes control of the wheel again. MC CORD What's going on here -- who said that? K.I.T.T. I did. I can't tolerate bad driving. McCord stares at the voice box. K.I.T.T. Michael, an All Points Bulletin is being issued over the police band for a vehicle fitting my description. MICHAEL Punch up the locations of police cars in the area. On K.I.T.T.'s monitor screens is a map of the area. Police cars are marked in red and a half dozen are going to converge on K.I.T.T. from all directions momentarily. MICHAEL Looks like we're about to be surrounded. Know any good hiding places? K.I.T.T. I have just the spot. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY From up ahead of K.I.T.T. looms the Foundation semi. The ramp lowers and K.I.T.T. goes up inside. The ramp closes. ANGLE ON A POLICE CAR tearing down the highway. It passes the semi, siren fading in the distance. EXT. FOUNDATION HEADQUARTERS - DAY - ESTABLISHING INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon gets up from his desk to greet Phillip Hunt and Rogers. Devon and Hunt ad-lib greetings. HUNT Congratulations on a job well done, Devon. DEVON I'm just glad it worked as success- fully as it did. (a smile) I don't have to tell you the Foundation wasn't conceived with prison breaks in mind. HUNT You're not alone, believe me. I've never encountered anything like this before. Hope I never do again. I've informed the Governor phase one has been completed. DEVON Then the APB on Michael has been cancelled? HUNT An hour ago. If everything goes according to plan we'll have the extortionist and the Minotaur in our possession before the day's over. (beat) Where is he? Devon presses the intercom buzzer. DEVON Send Michael in. NEW ANGLE TO INCLUDE MICHAEL AND MC CORD They enter. McCord stares at Devon, then sees Hunt. MC CORD (to Hunt) Who are you? Why are you doing this?! Michael and Devon note the reaction. Hunt nods to Rogers and Rogers takes McCord by the arm, but McCord shakes free, frightened. MC CORD I'm not going anywhere with you! MICHAEL Take it easy, McCord. MC CORD Take it easy? I'm a dead man out there. You hear me...a dead man! Rogers grabs McCord, wrestles him toward the door as Michael and Devon exchange a look of alarm. Devon turns to Hunt. DEVON Phillip, what's he talking about? HUNT He's a disturbed man, Devon. I wouldn't take what he says too seriously. As they force McCord out, close the door. The sounds of scuffle fade away. Michael and Devon are perplexed, shaken. MICHAEL There's something about this that doesn't feel right...McCord was terrified. (beat) In the car, he begged me to take him back to prison. DEVON How peculiar...particularly for a man being freed by his own confederates. MICHAEL (beat) If you don't mind, I'd like to follow this up. See what develops. DEVON The Foundation's involvement is finished Michael, but... (beat) ...use your own judgment. CUT TO EXT. LIQUOR/CONVENIENCE STORE - DAY - ON HUNT'S SEDAN as it pulls to a stop in front of the store. INT. HUNT'S SEDAN - DAY In the front seat are Hunt and Rogers. In the backseat is McCord. Separating the front from the backseat is wire mesh. Hunt and Rogers start out of the car. MC CORD Where are you going? HUNT Relax. We're going to get some cigarettes. MC CORD It takes two of you to get cigarettes? Hunt slams the door shut. McCord watches as they walk to the store. ANGLE ON SEDAN #2 parked a block away. Inside is Plainclothesman #1. ANGLE ON BUS BENCH Plainclothesman #2 sits on the bench. OMITTED ANGLE ON WHITE CADILLAC positioned up the street. Behind the wheel is Payne, a large man in his thirties. He is packing a gun, stares at the convenience store. Another man, Talman, crosses from a vantage point, climbs in the passenger side. TALMAN There's an unmarked car up the street and a softclothes guy solo on the bus bench. PAYNE What about McCord? TALMAN Like a chicken waiting to be plucked. OMITTED INT. HUNT'S SEDAN - DAY McCord's becoming increasingly uneasy, agitated. When he looks inside the liquor/convenience store, he becomes alarmed: Hunt and Rogers are nowhere to be seen. OMITTED ANGLE ON HUNT'S SEDAN McCord goes for the door handle, discovers it gone -- removed. Both are. ANGLE UP STREET The Trans Am appears, pulls over. ANGLE INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael punches up the monitor. K.I.T.T. Why are we stopping so far away, Michael? MICHAEL Don't want to spook anyone, Kitt. Show me what you've got. INSERT - MONITOR We see McCord kick out the sedan's rear window, open the door from the outside, struggle out and run down the street. ON THE CADILLAC as it pulls out and starts after McCord. ANGLE ON SEDAN #2 Plainclothesman #1 sees McCord sprint down the street, away from the white Cadillac. PLAINCLOTHESMAN #1 (into police radio) It's not coming down like we thought. Hold your positions. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. Michael still watching the action on the monitor. K.I.T.T. Michael, what's happening? MICHAEL I don't know, but I don't like it. Let's go. He pulls out fast. ANGLE ON BUS BENCH Plainclothes #2 nods, doesn't move. ANGLE ON MC CORD He races down the street and ducks into an alleyway. ANGLE ON WHITE CADILLAC It rips around the corner. Payne is driving. Talman is in the passenger's seat. It reaches the alley, skids and turns in. ANGLE IN ALLEY McCord runs for his life, desperate. The Cadillac appears at the end of the alley behind him, accelerates. OMITTED ANGLE ON ANOTHER STREET K.I.T.T. races past, turns, heading for the alley from this intersecting street. ANGLE IN ALLEY McCord reaches the mouth of the intersecting street just as the Cadillac is ready to overtake him. ANGLE IN CADILLAC Payne and Talman react to what's ahead. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE K.I.T.T. is suddenly there, blocking the Cadillac from reaching the intersecting street. McCord is nowhere to be seen. The Cadillac skids to a stop, then reverses at high speed down the street. OMITTED ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael glances at the men in the Cadillac, ignores the honking. MICHAEL (punches up scanner) Where's McCord? K.I.T.T. I'm afraid he's gone, Michael. MICHAEL Gone? Where? K.I.T.T. I don't pick him up. He's disappeared. FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN OMITTED EXT. STATE BUILDING - DAY - STOCK DEVON'S VOICE I have a number of questions, Phillip.... CUT TO INT. STATE BUILDING - HUNT'S OFFICE - DAY Open close on Phillip Hunt, looking very official, very buttoned-down and very angry. He's standing behind a big desk in a well-appointed government office. HUNT I have a few of my own. I want to know what Knight was doing at the drop? DEVON He was observing. With my approval. HUNT Your approval? Devon, this case is no longer your concern! DEVON I wonder. McCord was left alone and locked in your car. Why? HUNT Because our instructions were to leave McCord near the intersection of Third and Crane for the pick-up.... DEVON But, according to Michael, when McCord's associates arrived, he ran...obviously in fear of his life. Again, Phillip -- why? HUNT This is an unusual case to say the least. I can't explain that. Frankly, it surprised us, too. ON DEVON He stares at Hunt, incredulous. DEVON Surprised you? When McCord was in my office he seemed terrified. Did you ask him why? Hunt moves out from behind his desk, angrily confronts Devon. HUNT For God's sake, Devon, there's a madman with a Minotaur bomb out there! My responsibility was to trade McCord for the bomb, not hold his hand! The two men stand, facing each other. DEVON And if you'd known what we've come to understand...that these 'confeder- ates' of McCord's aren't allies, but in all probability want to kill him ...would you have acted differently? HUNT I'd have done exactly the same thing. I'm willing to trade one murderer for the lives of hundreds, maybe thousands, of innocent people. (beat) Aren't you? DEVON I'm afraid not. (beat) I acted in good faith...both because of our friendship and because one of the basic tenets of the Foundation is the preservation of human life. HUNT (angrily) I'm trying to preserve as many lives as I can. DEVON I'd like to believe it's possible to save every life. And I'd hate to think the Foundation played a part in sacrificing even one life -- without at least trying to save it. Devon turns to leave Hunt's office. HUNT Stay out of this, Devon. You're in over your head. At the door, Devon turns to Hunt. DEVON Apparently so is Peter McCord. Perhaps we have something in common after all. With that, Devon exits. Hold on Hunt. He picks up the phone. HUNT (phone) I want the All Points Bulletin on Knight's car reinstated immediately. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON THE SEMI - STOCK as the Trans Am pulls up the ramp and disappears inside. CUT TO INT. SEMI - DAY Michael is looking at one of the computer modules. April is programming K.I.T.T. MICHAEL McCord's profile doesn't indicate much ...except he's not a typical criminal. APRIL First Devon and now you.... MICHAEL What? APRIL It sounds like you're making excuses for him. Michael, he was convicted of second degree murder. MICHAEL Convicted yeah, but all through the trial he swore he was innocent. He'd never been arrested before, and he was a model prisoner -- except he'd been denied parole twice. (shaking his head) When they finally do grant him parole, he belts a guard. Very strange. (crossing to her) How's that bomb sniffer coming? APRIL Michael, this is a highly sophisti- cated Electronic Detection Module especially adapted for plastique- type devices -- not a 'bomb sniffer.' MICHAEL (smiles) Right. How's it coming? APRIL Fine. With one qualification. It's range is severely limited in the presence of ferrous metals. MICHAEL Translation, please. K.I.T.T. Metals like steel, Michael. MICHAEL Thanks, pal. K.I.T.T. Don't mention it. Incidentally, I've been monitoring the police band fre- quency. The APB has been reinstated. We're fugitives again. MICHAEL There must be some mistake. K.I.T.T. That's what Willie 'The Fly' Carruthers said when he was apprehended in an air conditioning duct above the Warden's office in Sing Sing. April finishes, crosses to the computer console over: MICHAEL I think he's over-programmed. APRIL There's no such thing. I've cross- checked every available reference on McCord's personal life. Only one indicated any family...a daughter. Lisa Martinson. (punches up visual) She's one of the hottest print models in the country. Michael peers over her shoulder, reacts. MICHAEL Now it makes sense.... APRIL What? Do you know her? MICHAEL In a manner of speaking. ANGLE ON MONITOR We see a picture of a beautiful young woman. It's the same woman whose picture we saw on the walls of Peter McCord's cell. MATCH CUT TO EXT. OPEN FIELD - DAY - CLOSE ON LISA MARTINSON Even more lovely than her photo, Lisa's dressed in fresh white, her head tilted toward the sun in a fashion pose. We pull back to see that Lisa's surrounded by Klieg lights and a photographer's furiously snapping pictures. A makeup woman stands in the wings, a lighting man manipulates the Kliegs. A mobil dressing room's parked nearby and behind it, just visible, are the crew's cars, including one which we'll later see is a white Cadillac. NEW ANGLE TO INCLUDE THE TRANS AM approaching across the field, heading toward the photo site. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael's carefully watching Lisa as the Trans Am pulls closer to the site. K.I.T.T. I must say, Michael, this adventure does have a certain appeal. Michael parks the Trans Am. He's more interested in Lisa than K.I.T.T. at this moment. MICHAEL (absently) Yeah, I see what you mean. K.I.T.T. Think of it. We're fugitives of a sort, desperadoes on the lam. (dramatically) We must be extremely careful. If we're captured, we could end up on a chain gang. MICHAEL Chain gang? That's the Thirties, pal. I'd end up in the pen, stamping license plates. (smiling) And I'd probably be making them out of pieces of you. K.I.T.T. They'd never take me alive. MICHAEL Being a car, that's easy for you to say. Me, I plan to keep breathing... keep an eye on things. Michael climbs out of the car, crosses to: PHOTO SITE TO FEATURE LISA as the session's breaking up and Lisa's heading toward the trailer. Michael falls in step beside her. MICHAEL Miss Martinson? My name's Michael Knight. I need to talk to you for a's important. LISA You'd better talk to my manager. He handles bookings and interviews. MICHAEL I'm with the Foundation for Law and Government. There's an urgent matter...concerning your father. Lisa stops, stares at Michael hard. Her face doesn't give away much, but what he's said has hit a nerve. LISA Not that this is any of your business, but my father's dead. Now, if you don't mind.... She turns to leave. Michael steps in front of her. MICHAEL I know Peter McCord's your father. I've got to talk to him. LISA Mr. Knight, both my parents died in a car crash when I was four years old. I grew up with my aunt and uncle in Pomona, California. So, if this is some kind of joke it's rude and tasteless. MICHAEL It's not a joke. LISA Then you're rude and tasteless. Now get out of my way, or I'm going to call for help. She turns, stomps past Michael, heads for her trailer. Over Michael's comlink we hear: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, my sensors indicate there are two armed men in Miss Martinson's trailer.... MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt, get over here! With that, Michael rushes forward and intercepts Lisa just as she's about to reach the trailer. MICHAEL Don't go in there! Lisa turns around to face Michael, startled. As she does, the door to the trailer flies open and we see Payne and Talman. They hustle down the stairs toward Lisa as Michael grabs her around the waist, pulls her with him. ANOTHER ANGLE TO FEATURE K.I.T.T. as the Trans Am pulls up and K.I.T.T. pops the doors. Michael struggles to push the battling Lisa inside, then races around and jumps inside himself. As the Trans Am speeds off: OMITTED PAYNE AND TALMAN race around to the back of the trailer, jump in their white Cadillac. ANOTHER ANGLE as the Caddy chases the dust the Trans Am has left for a beat, and then stops. In the distance, K.I.T.T.'s nothing more than a black speck on the horizon. Hold on Talman and Payne's disbelieving faces, and then: CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON THE TRANS AM with Michael and Lisa inside. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Lisa's huddled against the door, as far as possible away from Michael. LISA This is crazy! You can't just throw people in your car and drive off --- MICHAEL This is an emergency.... LISA This is kidnapping! MICHAEL Lisa, your father's out of prison. You can tell the world about a car crash and your aunt and uncle in Pomona, but I know different. Your father is Peter McCord. He's out of prison, someone's after him -- and they're threatening to explode a bomb in the city if they don't get him. LISA I don't believe you. I don't believe any of this.... MICHAEL Then who were those two men in your trailer? Fans? Press agents? LISA Thanks to you I never got a chance to find out. MICHAEL You'll be glad you didn't. LISA Where are you going? Where are you taking me? MICHAEL To the Foundation. You'll be safe there. She stares at him, his resolve, glances out the window, thinking. LISA If it was true...if...what makes you think I'd know where he is? MICHAEL You were the person closest to him... if it's true. LISA It isn't. MICHAEL Somehow I knew you'd say that. She suddenly goes for the door, tries to open it, can't. MICHAEL Sorry. She glares at him. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ANGLE ON HIGHWAY PATROL CAR parked by the side of the road, as the Trans Am cruises past. INT. HIGHWAY PATROL CAR - DAY The Highway Patrolman speaks into his walkie-talkie. PATROLMAN This is six-Adam-eleven. I have a black Trans Am, license plates K-N-I-G-H-T in sight. Am in pursuit. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY as the Highway Patrol car turns on its blinking lights, goes in pursuit of the Trans Am. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Lisa stares sullenly out the window, refusing to even look at Michael. We hear K.I.T.T.: K.I.T.T. Michael, there is a patrol vehicle approaching in response to the APB. LISA The police! (then) Who was that voice? Lisa instead cranes hopefully to try to wave at the patrol car, then pounds on the window. MICHAEL Let's lose him, Kitt. K.I.T.T. If I may suggest, 'Tommygun' Taylor had an effective way of --- MICHAEL Forget Tommygun Taylor, Kitt. We've got a more subtle option. Michael pushes a button on the dash. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY - ANGLE ON LICENSE PLATE as the KNIGHT plate flips over, revealing a numbered plate. ANOTHER ANGLE as the patrol car catches up with the Trans Am. INT. PATROL CAR - DAY The Patrolman picks up his mike. PATROLMAN I'm on him. Confirm the plate --- He trails off, squinting at the license plate, shaken. PATROLMAN Never mind. False alarm. He slows down and pulls to the shoulder of the road. He rubs his eyes, shakes his head. ANOTHER ANGLE - THE TRANS AM disappearing up the highway, as we: CUT TO EXT. MARINE YACHTS - DAY - ESTABLISHING A chic yacht sales dealership in a Marina-type coastal area. A sign in front reads: "MARINE YACHTS". In the yard we see the now familiar white Cadillac. Beyond it is a trailer-style office. INT. MARINE YACHTS - FENTON'S OFFICE - DAY Payne and Talman are facing Eric Fenton, a hard-looking man in his fifties, who's pacing behind his desk. TALMAN We would've had her if that guy hadn't shown up.... FENTON That's what you said about McCord in the alley -- if. If things had gone as planned he'd be standing here in front of me now instead of you two. (beat) Now he's gone. Disappeared. And you've let the one person I could have used to lure him here slip through your fingers. Fenton crosses to a metal box sitting by the door. He opens it and inside we glimpse the Minotaur. Fenton leans over, sets a digital clock to 12:00. FENTON It's on them. They let him get away...They've got until twelve noon tomorrow to deliver him. Talman and Payne exchange a nervous glance. PAYNE But...what if they don't find him? FENTON I'm a successful man. I get what I want. Know why? I've never made an idle threat...and I don't intend to start now. (beat) Plant it. Off Talman and Payne's look: CUT TO EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY - TO ESTABLISH INT. FOUNDATION - DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon and Michael stand watching as an irate Lisa stalks before them. She's livid. DEVON I understand how you must feel, believe me.... LISA Believe you? Why should I believe any of you? This whole thing is incredible.... DEVON I agree. Unfortunately, it's also true. MICHAEL Lisa, you won't be safe until we can find McCord -- and the Minotaur bomb. And the sooner you start to tell us about.... Suddenly, the door to the office bursts open and Peter McCord rushes in, closely followed by April. APRIL Devon, I'm sorry. He got past security before I could stop him --- McCord crosses to Devon and Michael. He doesn't notice Lisa at first. MC CORD You got me out -- I've got no place to go, no one to turn to. Like it or not, I'm your responsibility and.... He notices Lisa, stops in midsentence. He stares at her, stunned. MC CORD Lisa...? McCord takes a step toward Lisa. She's just as stunned, but from the expression on her face, it's clear she recognizes McCord. She steps away from him. LISA Stay away from me. MC CORD (beat) Lisa...please.... McCord reaches out, touches her. She jumps back like she's been shocked. LISA Don't touch me! Don't you ever touch me. Lisa turns on Devon and Michael, tears welling in her eyes. LISA How could you do this? Why? He's a murderer! DEVON We're aware of his record.... LISA Did he tell you who he killed? Do you know? Do you care? He killed my mother...! Lisa turns her back, her face suddenly set, cold. LISA All right, you've got him. You don't need me. And I don't want to spend another second in the same room with him. (to Michael) Can we go now? MICHAEL I'm sorry. LISA But you said --- April steps up to Lisa, takes her gently by the arm. APRIL Lisa? Can I see you for a minute? Please. Lisa's shoulders slump. She nods, allows April to escort her out of the room. McCord looks devastated. OMITTED EXT. MARINE YACHTS - DAY where we see the white Caddy parked close to the office, its trunk open. Talman and Payne come out of the office, very slowly and very carefully carrying the metal box containing the Minotaur. They load it in the trunk of the Caddy, as Fenton watches from the doorway. ON THE WHITE CADILLAC as Talman and Payne get inside, slowly drive out of the lot. Follow as it moves down the street. As it does: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY - STOCK MC CORD'S VOICE How could you do this to her...put her through this.... INT DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY MICHAEL We didn't plan to. Someone tried to kidnap her today. The words hit him. He turns, paces. MC CORD I didn't kill my wife. I loved her more than anything in this world.... MICHAEL Look, McCord, what you did is between you and your daughter and the courts. Right now we've got another problem...a Minotaur bomb set to explode at noon tomorrow. DEVON Michael's right. We're running out of time. Who is this person? Who's trying to kill you? McCord hesitates for a beat, then shakes his head. MC CORD Who's trying to kill me has a lot to do with why. It's a long story.... MICHAEL If it can help us find the bomb, we've got the time. MC CORD (a long beat) Rachel, my wife...before we met she'd been engaged to a guy who turned out to have some ties with organized crime. He got busted. Before he went up, he asked me to keep an eye on her. (beat) I did. You can guess the rest...we fell in love. By the time he got out, Rachel and I were married. Lisa was nearly seven. He flipped out, threatened to kill us both. McCord paces the room, struggling with memories. MC CORD I wrote him a letter, tried to explain it, apologize...then one night I went out for a six pack. The store was closed, and when I got back... (beat) He'd been there. He killed her...I didn't know what to the time I picked up the phone to call the cops they were pounding on the door. There I was...and no alibi. He had five guys who said he was in Vegas that night. McCord falls silent. Michael and Devon exchange a look. DEVON And you're saying he's still after you? Twelve years later? MICHAEL It seems to me a guy with organized crime connections could've had you iced inside prison. MC CORD He could've, sure. But he didn't. He wants to do it personally. DEVON Then that's why you've resisted parole for so long. MC CORD Yeah. And with Rachel gone and Lisa...feeling like she does, I had nothing on the outside anyway. DEVON All right, Mr. McCord...let's assume what you say is true. Who is this man? What's his name? McCord hesitates. Michael faces him. MICHAEL C'mon, McCord. His name. Now. MC CORD His name is Eric Fenton. (a long beat) He's my half-brother. Off of Michael and Devon's reactions: OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON TRANS AM - STOCK INT. TRANS AM - DAY MICHAEL Is the address on Fenton residential or commercial? K.I.T.T. It's Marine Yacht Sales on Bridgeway. We should be there in thirty minutes. (beat) Michael, are you sure this is the wisest course of action? MICHAEL It's the only one available, pal. Unless you can conjure up the location of the bomb. K.I.T.T. Conjuring is not one of my strong suits. MICHAEL That makes two of us. K.I.T.T. I've completed a comprehensive review of famous partnerships in crime. I've decided we're most like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. MICHAEL I think this whole thing's going to your head, Kitt. K.I.T.T. They hated injustice, had a code of ethics, cared for the common man.... MICHAEL Great. I'll see if I can find a bank for us to knock over. K.I.T.T. I wouldn't advise that. There are police cars everywhere. Check my monitor. Michael does, and we see a grid of city streets. Red dots signify the presence of police cars. K.I.T.T. Fortunately, we can always utilize my special plates. A tactic Butch and Sundance would undoubtedly envy. MICHAEL Undoubtedly. Only I don't think they're going to work much longer ...we might have to do broken open field running. K.I.T.T. How challenging. MICHAEL Just don't forget what happened to Bonnie and Clyde...and their car. K.I.T.T. Their car? MICHAEL Check your computer. When the cops finally caught up with them, they riddled their car with so many bullets it looked like Swiss cheese. (beat) So'd Bonnie and Clyde, for that matter. There's a long silence. K.I.T.T. One hundred and seven.... MICHAEL What? K.I.T.T. There were 107 bullet holes in that depressing. Off Michael's smile: CUT TO EXT. CITY STREET - DAY as the white Cadillac moves through the afternoon traffic. CUT TO EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY as April crosses the grounds to Devon. DEVON How is she? Any better? APRIL A little. She's agreed to stay over- night at least. DEVON Good, let's make use of the to her, April. Record the conversation. Get her to open up about the past. April looks at Devon. APRIL Devon, you don't realize how traumatized she is by that experience. She's spent twelve years trying to forget. I can't ask her to open it up again...I just can't. DEVON We have no choice, April. I'm convinced the past is the key to this entire case -- including the placement of the bomb. APRIL Why? DEVON I've been going through everything we've got on McCord, Eric Fenton and Lisa...Tomorrow would have been the twentieth wedding anniversary for McCord and his wife. (beat) They were married at noon. APRIL The same day and the same time Fenton's threatened to explode the Minotaur. DEVON Precisely. If I'm right, Fenton will place the bomb somewhere that ties in with personal histories of these people seems to be his psychological modus operandi. APRIL (beat) In that case, I'd better get to work. DEVON Get Lisa to go into as much detail as possible. Don't leave a stone unturned. April nods, crosses back to the Foundation. CUT TO EXT. STREET - LATE AFTERNOON A downtown area. Office buildings and stores. We pick up the white Caddy, with Payne and Talman inside, as it drives into a multi-story parking structure. INT. PARKING STRUCTURE - LATE AFTERNOON as the Caddy pulls into a parking space. Payne and Talman jump out, open the trunk. Inside, we see the Minotaur bomb. Talman leans over, gingerly checks the bomb. We see the digital clock glowing 12:00. He closes the trunk, and the two men hurry off. As they do: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. COASTAL YACHTS - NIGHT A single light glows inside. We see the Trans Am pull up and stop on the street in front of the lot. INT. TRANS AM - NIGHT as Michael checks out the lot. MICHAEL Pick up anything, Kitt? K.I.T.T. I'm registering traces that indicate the bomb was here, Michael. Unfor- tunately, it's gone now. Michael starts to get out. MICHAEL I was afraid of that. Cover me... just like Butch and Sundance. K.I.T.T. Be careful. Need I remind you what happened to Butch and Sundance? MICHAEL (grimly) I saw the movie. Michael climbs out, hustles toward the office. CUT TO OMITTED INT. OFFICE - NIGHT Fenton's at his desk. Among the paperwork, we should see a vial of pills with a drugstore label on it. The door suddenly flies open and Michael steps inside. Fenton stands. FENTON Who are you? What do you want? MICHAEL Are you Eric Fenton? FENTON That's right. Who are you? MICHAEL Michael Knight. I'll get right to the point. I want the Minotaur. Fenton's face registers total surprise for a beat. He covers it, then slowly, almost painfully sits down. He regards Michael for a beat, then: FENTON Are you with the police? MICHAEL No. I'm with a Foundation you've probably never heard of. FENTON How did you find me? MICHAEL We've got Peter McCord. He pointed us in your direction. FENTON (reacts) You've got Peter? Why? MICHAEL Why does it matter. We've got him. Alive. And safe. So is his daughter, Lisa. (beat) We know you've got the Minotaur. As they say in chess...check. Fenton hesitates, then smiles, shrugs easily. FENTON I think we understand each other. I want Peter. You, want the bomb. A simple exchange. MICHAEL It's not that simple. Phillip Hunt may operate that way. We don't. FENTON What you fail to understand is I do. And I'm the one dealing from a position of power here, not you. I won't com- promise. You see, there's only one thing I want from the rest of my life... and that's to see Peter dead. (beat) As they say in chess...checkmate. Fenton's smile fades to an icy glare. Hold on him, then: CUT TO EXT. STREET - NIGHT - ON TRANS AM as Michael walks to K.I.T.T., climbs inside: K.I.T.T. How did it go, Michael? MICHAEL Fenton's definitely our man...but he sure plays a mean game of chess. As the Trans Am fires up and takes off: INT. TRANS AM - NIGHT - TRAVELING as Michael heads into the night. K.I.T.T. Chess? The two of you played chess? MICHAEL No. I mean, the man's got ice in his veins. K.I.T.T. Oh, dear...that does sound serious. MICHAEL It's an expression, Kitt. It means nothing fazed him. It's like he doesn't care about anything... (beat) Tell me what you've got on a drug called Diphenidol. K.I.T.T. Diphenidol? MICHAEL Yeah...Fenton had a vial of it on his desk. K.I.T.T. Diphenidol is a generic drug pre- scribed for relief of nausea, especially that due to chemotherapy.... Off Michael's reaction to this information: CUT TO INT. FOUNDATION - SITTING ROOM - NIGHT April and Lisa are sitting facing each other. A table, with tape recorder, a stack of tapes and a pot of tea and cups sits between them. APRIL Anything else about that summer on the island? LISA Other than what I've told you...I don't think so...April, I'm so... tired. April nods, reaches over and switches off the recorder. APRIL That makes two of us... (a beat; smiles) I know this is tough, but you're doing just fine. Lisa just shrugs, stares at the floor hard. Fighting back tears. LISA I've spent so much time learning to for- get, it's hard to start...remembering. APRIL You've got a lot of courage, Lisa. I don't know if I'd be holding up nearly as well. (getting up) Take a break. I'll brew up some more tea. April exits with the tea pot. Lisa leans forward, reverses the recorder, plays back a bit of the last conversation. LISA'S VOICE (on recorder) ...The house was a big, knotty-pine place that smelled like moss and moth balls almost all the time.... Under this, we hear the door open and close. Lisa flicks off the recorder as we hear: MC CORD'S VOICE Lisa.... Lisa whirls around to face her father. She's immediately angry. LISA What are you doing in here?! McCord crosses toward her. He's obviously quite moved. MC CORD I wasn't sure I'd ever see you again...except on magazine covers and TV commercials. LISA Please, just go. MC CORD Lisa, give me thirty seconds. A minute...then I'll leave. Please.... Something in his voice, the need, the vulnerability, touches Lisa. She watches him warily. MC CORD There's so much...Lisa, I loved your mother. LISA You killed her. MC CORD That's not true.... LISA It is! I remember it like it was yesterday. I was upstairs in bed, coloring with my crayons. Mom ran into the room, picked me up and carried me to the closet. She said, 'Baby, whatever you do, don't come out until I get you.' MC CORD I'd gone out.... LISA (remembering, terrified) I heard a door slam, angry voices, yelling... (beat) When they found me, I'd crushed all of my crayons into little pieces.... MC CORD You were so young, and scared... you could have mistaken the voice you heard for mine. It wasn't me. (no response) Lisa, I didn't kill her. Eric did. LISA Eric Fenton? My uncle -- ? MC CORD You know how he felt about us... (beat) Think about it. She was killed the day after he got out of prison. Lisa shakes her head, not wanting to hear. LISA You were tried and convicted...found guilty by a jury. McCord stares at Lisa, struggling to find words for his thoughts. MC CORD Juries aren't always right. Men in prison aren't always guilty. (beat) Think about the times we, me, your mom...We couldn't have been happier. Why would I kill her? How could I kill her? Lisa doesn't respond. She's watching her father carefully. MC CORD I must have rehearsed this scene a thousand times in prison. (beat) In my mind it always worked out that you believed me...and lived happily ever after. (beat) I guess I knew it wouldn't really happen that way, but I had to try.... He slowly gets up, turns, walks to the door, stops. MC CORD Lisa...I love you, just like I loved your mom. No matter what else I lose. No one's ever going to take that away from me.... With that, McCord turns and exits. Hold on Lisa, staring at her hands, refusing to look up. A tear trickles from her eye, as we: CUT TO INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon's at the portable computer, reviewing details of McCord's past -- names, dates, etc. flash on the screen. Devon looks frustrated, tense. Michael enters and Devon looks up. DEVON Did you find him? MICHAEL Yeah, I found him. But he's not going to tell us where the bomb is. He's got no reason to. DEVON What do you mean? MICHAEL He's got nothing to lose, Devon. He's dying. This hits Devon and he sinks back in his chair. DEVON Perhaps we're fighting a losing battle, Michael. Phillip Hunt's mobilized the entire police force in a massive dragnet to find McCord. He also has bomb squads searching the city section by section.... April hurries into the office. She looks dismayed. APRIL Devon, Michael -- we've got a problem. (beat) Peter McCord's gone. Michael and Devon exchange surprised looks. DEVON But why would he leave? Where would he go? He was safe here...he knew that. At this moment, Lisa comes hurrying into the room. She looks terribly upset. LISA What happened? MICHAEL McCord left. (to Devon) I think I know where he went. Eric Fenton's. LISA (reacts) But if what he said is true...Eric's the one who wants to kill him. Michael nods. Lisa suddenly looks defeated, vulnerable. LISA He came to me and tried to talk. I wouldn't listen to him. I told him I didn't believe him. MICHAEL Right now he probably doesn't care much whether he lives or dies.... Michael heads for the door, tucking the cassette carrying case under his arm as he goes. LISA Michael...find him. Please.... Michael nods, exits. Hold on Lisa, then: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - STOCK K.I.T.T. speeds down the highway, his scanners flashing as he heads toward the city. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael grips the steering wheel, his concentration focused on his mission and the road. MICHAEL How long before that bomb's due to go off, Kitt? Digital numbers flash across K.I.T.T.'s monitor screen, finally giving a readout as K.I.T.T. speaks: 01:35:19. K.I.T.T. One hour, thirty-five minutes and nineteen seconds. MICHAEL Keep the clock running, pal. I want to see those seconds ticking down. K.I.T.T. Aren't we rather foolhardy to move at our present speed and make ourselves quite so visible to police officers? After all, we are fugitives.... MICHAEL No time for hide and seek. K.I.T.T. Very well, but it defies criminal logic. The seconds and minutes continue to change as time flies by. MICHAEL How're you coming with those tapes of Lisa that April gave us? K.I.T.T. I'm afraid I really don't understand what I'm looking for, Michael. MICHAEL I'm hoping your voice analyzer will pick up subtle changes in her emotions. There's got to be someplace in the family's past that ties into what's happening now. K.I.T.T. You mean the placement of the Minotaur. MICHAEL That's what I mean. K.I.T.T. I'll do what I can. But please, Michael -- try to keep us away from one of those dreadful police ambushes.... MICHAEL (a smile) Bonnie and Clyde got you worried? K.I.T.T. No, but their car does. One hundred and seven bullet holes, Michael. INT. BOAT DEALERSHIP - FENTON'S OFFICE - DAY Fenton's in a swivel chair at his desk, staring at a small clock nearby. Suddenly, the door across from him opens -- and framed by sunlight pouring in from behind him is Peter McCord. Fenton just stares for a beat. MC CORD Hello, Eric. FENTON Hello, Peter. The tension is palpable. McCord moves into the office and Fenton's hand opens the desk drawer. He pulls out a gun, aims it at McCord. Cocks it. FENTON Are you ready to die, Peter? McCord swallows, nods. Fenton smiles coldly and lays the gun on the desk in front of him, still aimed tauntingly toward McCord. FENTON Know what's kept me alive all these years? What made me keep going? The chance to see you suffer the way you made me suffer. (beat) You took the only thing I ever loved away from me. MC CORD Then maybe we're even, Eric. You killed the only woman I ever loved. Fenton stares coldly at McCord, shakes his head. FENTON No, Peter. We'll be even when you're dead. MC CORD Then let's get on with it. In spite of himself, Fenton looks surprised, temporarily thrown off balance by McCord's attitude. MC CORD On the way here, I reviewed all the reasons for facing you like this... (beat) I was going to atone for my sins...I was going to redeem myself in Lisa's eyes...I was going to martyr myself to save thousands of innocent people. (shakes his head) But, you want to know what's really the truth? I'm here because I'm tired of running, tired of hiding, tired of living half a life... (beat) I'm not afraid of dying any more, Eric. Do what you have to do. EXT. BOAT DEALERSHIP - DAY - ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. as the car barrels into the yard adjacent to the office, squealing to a stop, scanners flashing. WIDER ANGLE as Payne and Talman appear and rush toward the car, guns drawn. Reaching the car, they stare at it in awe. TALMAN There's nobody in there. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael leaps at them from behind, knocking Talman to the ground and dispatching Payne with a punch. Talman levels his gun at Michael and Michael kicks it out of his hand, slams him back against the Trans Am, knocking him out. Then, Michael runs toward the office. INT. BOAT DEALERSHIP - FENTON'S OFFICE - DAY as the door bursts open and Michael bolts in, confronting McCord and Fenton. Fenton begins to raise his gun and Michael grabs his hand, ultimately shaking the gun free and knocking it out of his reach, across the room. MICHAEL The bomb, Fenton. This time you're going to tell me where it is. FENTON You underestimate me, Knight. MICHAEL I don't think so. You're a dying man. You're desperate. But, I don't think you're really going to kill thousands of innocent people. (beat) Don't you think every one's suffered enough? McCord has. Lisa has. And I've got a feeling you have, too. FENTON You have a choice, Knight. The same one Phillip Hunt had. Turn around and walk out that door...or the responsibility for that bomb is yours, not mine. There's a moment's silence as Michael studies Fenton. He knows the older man's not bluffing. Michael finally turns to McCord. MICHAEL (to McCord) Let's go. MC CORD (shaking his head) This is my fight. It's time I faced it.... MICHAEL What about Lisa? What happens to her? MC CORD It's too late for that. MICHAEL Not according to her. She asked me to find you. You've got a chance to live, to be a father...don't throw it away. Michael turns to head for the door. McCord stands, halfway between Fenton and Michael. He glances at his brother, then at Michael. A beat, then McCord turns and follows Michael. FENTON (shouting) You leave now and you're responsible! Do you hear me?! Both of you! CUT TO EXT. CITY STREET - DAY - ANGLE ON TRANS AM as the car moves away from the dealership, into traffic. INT. TRANS AM - DAY - ANGLE ON MONITOR SCREEN The digital clock now reads: 0:48:16 WIDER ANGLE TO REVEAL MICHAEL at the wheel, McCord beside him. A conversation is in progress. MICHAEL ...Kitt's analyzed the tapes and isolated three locations with emotional charge to them. I'm hoping they might mean something to you...and to Fenton. It's a long shot, but it's all we've got. MC CORD Shoot. MICHAEL Kitt.... K.I.T.T. The three locations are: Basilio Island, Church of the Morning, and 1177 McClure Street. MICHAEL (to McCord) What's Basilio Island? MC CORD A little place off the coast where we used to go on vacation every summer. How could she remember that? She was so little...We were almost always alone there -- it's uninhabited. MICHAEL Then Fenton wouldn't plant the bomb there. What about the other two? MC CORD The McClure address is where we used to live. (beat) Rachel died there. (beat) Church of the Morning is where we got married.... A realization hits him. MC CORD Of course -- that's where he met Rachel, at a picnic! Do you think...? MICHAEL We'll find out. Let's do it, Kitt. And the Trans Am picks up speed. EXT. CHURCH OF THE MORNING - DAY A small chapel in a suburban area. The Trans Am pulls to a stop in front, scanners flashing. OMITTED INT. TRANS AM - DAY A beeping sound accompanies the scanning of the Electronic Detection Module. MICHAEL Is it here? K.I.T.T. I'm afraid my Electronic Detection Module isn't picking up even a trace of the Minotaur bomb. McCord's thinking hard. MC CORD Then it's got to be the McClure house. MICHAEL Let's hope so. We're running out of time. And we angle to the digital clock, now reading: 0:26:04. As the Trans Am tears away from the curb, we: CUT TO EXT. MULTILEVEL PARKING STRUCTURE - DOWNTOWN AREA - DAY as the Trans Am pulls up in front of a new-looking efficiency lot filled with cars. We hear: MICHAEL'S VOICE This is 1177 McClure Street. OMITTED INT. TRANS AM - DAY McCord looks baffled by the public structure before him. MC CORD The house is gone.... MICHAEL It's been torn down, but I'll bet somewhere in that haystack, Fenton's planted his needle. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY as the car pulls quickly through the entrance, into the parking structure. INT. PARKING STRUCTURE - DAY - ANGLE ON TRANS AM Scanners flashing, the car moves slowly up an aisle, up a ramp. INT. TRANS AM - DAY The Electronic Detection Module beeps, scanning.... MICHAEL What're you getting, Kitt? K.I.T.T. A great deal of interference, Michael. The concrete walls of this structure are reinforced with steel beams which are adversely affecting my Electronic Detection Module. (beat) I can tell you there are 897 people and 1585 vehicles in the structure at this time. Michael glances at the digital readout which is now: 0:14:00. He thinks hard, then: MICHAEL Kitt, run a scan of the garage... quick! Tell me if that white Cadillac we saw is in there.... K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael. You're absolutely right. It's parked on level 3B. MICHAEL That's it! EXT. TRANS AM - DAY as the car whilrs a narrow 180 and heads in the opposite direction, moving level to level in the parking structure. NEW ANGLE as K.I.T.T. comes around a corner and skids to a stop in front of a car stalled diagonally across their path. Slowly, gently, Michael inches forward and pushes the car aside. Once clear, Michael floors it and races for the next level. INT. TRANS AM - DAY As they pull onto Level 3B, suddenly the beeping of the Electronic Detection Module becomes fast and loud. Michael spots the Cadillac. MICHAEL Bingo! Crack the trunk, Kitt! McCord opens his door to climb out and Michael stops him. MICHAEL If you want out, McCord, do it now. McCord looks at him. MC CORD I've been out for ten years. Deal me in. Michael nods and as he and McCord climb out, we hold a beat on the digital readout: 0:10:01 ANGLE UP FROM MONITOR THROUGH WINDSHIELD as the Cadillac's trunk pops open and Michael and McCord approach, and we see the bomb, silently waiting.... EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY - ANGLE ON TRANS AM as the car darts through traffic and finally moves out onto the highway, picking up speed. INT. TRANS AM - DAY - ANGLE ON DIGITAL READOUT clicking down the seconds: 0:08:05, 0:08:04, etc. WIDER ANGLE TO SEE MICHAEL AND MC CORD the strain showing in their faces. MICHAEL Where can we dump this thing, Kitt? On the monitor beside the digital readout, K.I.T.T. flashes a series of maps, finally settling upon one featuring a single blinking red light. K.I.T.T. The nearest uninhabited location is precisely forty-five point seven miles away. MC CORD We'll never make it in eight minutes! MICHAEL Don't be too sure. Kitt, remember Bonnie and Clyde's car. K.I.T.T. Say no more, Michael. Michael hits the gas, the Trans Am roars forward. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY as the car picks up speed, burns up the highway. NEW ANGLE - A HIGHWAY PATROL CAR parked by the road as the Trans Am flies past. INT. HIGHWAY PATROL CAR - DAY The Officer (#2) clocks the Trans Am at 105 mph. He picks up his walkie-talkie. OFFICER #2 I've got a vehicle answering the description of that APB moving at speeds off the clock, north on Highway 5. Am in pursuit. Can you provide intercept at Junction thirty? EXT. HIGHWAY PATROL CAR - DAY pulling away from the roadside, lights flashing, acceler- ating after the Trans Am. INT. TRANS AM - DAY The pursuing vehicle appears on the monitor and Michael glances into the rearview mirror, sees the squad car far behind him. K.I.T.T. If we're stopped, we will indeed -- as Mr. McCord so quaintly put it -- blow sky high. MICHAEL I hate to do this to an officer of the law.... He depresses the accelerator and we see the speed increasing steadily: 130, 135, 140, etc. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ANGLE ON A SECOND HIGHWAY PATROL CAR way ahead of the Trans Am, approaching the highway from an intersecting road. ANGLE ON A THIRD HIGHWAY PATROL CAR approaching from the other side of the intersecting road. The cars meet at the highway, pull nose to nose, forming a roadblock across the highway. INT. TRANS AM - DAY The speed is still rising: 160, 165, etc. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm picking up a roadblock directly ahead of us. MICHAEL You know what to do, buddy. K.I.T.T. Yes, Al Capone would've had to run through it. Thank goodness for modern technology. MC CORD What's he talking about? What're you gonna do? MICHAEL Watch. McCord stares, terrified at the monitor when we see the blockade ahead...we also see the digital readout, 0:00:30, 0:00:29, 0:00:28, etc. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY as the Trans Am blasts toward the patrol cars. Just before collision, the Trans Am leaves the road, sails up and over the roadblock and continues up the highway at a speed that transforms it into a black blur. A beat, then the squad car that was pursuing the Trans Am barrels toward the roadblock. INT. HIGHWAY PATROL CAR - DAY as the officer sees no more Trans Am -- only the roadblock -- and he hits the brakes. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The squad car goes into a skid that would make drag racers proud, stopping just inches short of a collision. OMITTED EXT. DESERTED DESERT AREA - DAY empty and silent until, with a roar, the Trans Am approaches, slowing as rapidly as is safe, as it pulls off the pavement and tears across the terrain, out toward the quarry.... ANOTHER ANGLE The Trans Am screeches to a halt and Michael leaps out. The trunk pops open and Michael and McCord pull out the bomb, run to the edge of the quarry and heave the bomb in. They dash back to the Trans Am, jump in. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as we see the digital readout: 0:00:6, 0:00:5, 0:00:4... Michael slams on the accelerator. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY - MOVING SHOT as the Trans Am shoots away from us as if launched. Behind it: NEW ANGLE - THE BOMB explodes! INT. TRANS AM - DAY Although the car's a good distance away, it's rocked slightly by the power of the blast. We can see the digital readout's now: 0:00:00 MICHAEL Good work, Sundance. K.I.T.T. The same to you, Butch. CUT TO OMITTED INT. GOVERNMENT BUILDING - PHIL HUNT'S OFFICE - DAY Hunt's at his desk, intently studying a written speech when Devon comes striding in. Hunt's initially taken aback, but quickly covers it with a smile. HUNT Devon. What perfect timing. DEVON I certainly hope I'm not interrupting anything. The foyer's filled with reporters.... HUNT With the bomb exploded and Fenton and his men in custody, I've decided to hold a press conference and give those wolves what they've been howling for. (gesturing to the speech) I think you'll be pleased with the recognition the Foundation gets.... Devon steps to Hunt's desk, places his hand firmly on top of Hunt's speech. He fixes Hunt with a stern look. DEVON I think you'd be wise to reconsider your press conference, Phillip. HUNT What're you talking about? DEVON You. From the beginning this was a project tainted by your personal bias and ambition. HUNT Now, just a minute --- DEVON You deceived me. You took advantage of a friendship. And, worst of all, you betrayed the Foundation. HUNT I did what I felt was right. DEVON Endangering Michael's life and preparing to sacrifice Peter McCord are hardly admirable acts. And if you choose to go before the press to further your personal aggrandizement, I shall do what I feel is right. (beat) I'll expose you, Phillip. I'll open you up for all to see. Hunt stares at Devon, speechless. After a long beat, he slowly picks up the phone, presses a button. Then: HUNT Cancel the press conference...I said, cancel it! Hunt slams down the phone, looks at Devon, and then picks up his speech, tears it in half. As he does: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY The Trans Am and Devon's car are in the driveway. Michael, Devon and McCord come from the Foundation. DEVON I've spoken with the Attorney General's office. Your case will be reopened shortly. MICHAEL Sounds like you're going to have to get used to being a free man again. McCord nods, thinks for a beat. MC CORD It may sound funny, but getting used to life on the outside won't be easy after all these years.... MICHAEL I've got a feeling you're going to have a lot of help. The three men turn to see: NEW ANGLE - FEATURE APRIL AND LISA coming out of the Foundation. Lisa's smiling. She and April laugh at something as they cross toward the men. DEVON (to Lisa) Ready? Lisa glances, almost shyly, toward her father, then nods. McCord smiles back. DEVON In that case you'd better hurry. The plane leaves in thirty minutes. Lisa turns to give April a quick, spontaneous hug. As she does, McCord turns to Michael, shakes his hand. Then Devon's. MC CORD I'd quit believing in...people. Thanks. Both of you. Devon and Michael ad-lib responses. McCord turns and crosses to the waiting car. Devon follows. Lisa takes this opportunity to move to where Michael stands. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND LISA as she gives him a hug and a kiss. LISA I guess I can forget that aunt and uncle in Pomona now.... MICHAEL I think they're where they belong... in the past. Lisa smiles, turns and climbs into the car. McCord follows her. Devon starts up and the three of them drive away. ANOTHER ANGLE - FEATURE MICHAEL AND APRIL standing near K.I.T.T., watching Devon drive off. K.I.T.T. Michael, I have a confession. I'm rather pleased our life of crime has come to an end. APRIL That makes two of us. MICHAEL Tired of life in the fast lane, Kitt? K.I.T.T. No. It's simply that my research indicates not one vehicle or steed of a noted desperado ever received the acclaim of it's owner. (beat) Nor did they share in any of the criminal profits. It's quite clear crime doesn't pay. Michael and April laugh. MICHAEL Kitt, that APB's off now, right? K.I.T.T. That's correct, Michael. MICHAEL Good, 'cause I'm taking a long, leisurely drive to the beach. APRIL The beach? In the middle of the day? MICHAEL Yeah. Come on.... April hesitates. MICHAEL What're they going to do...arrest us? Besides, if they do, we've got a great getaway car. K.I.T.T. Very funny, Michael. Michael and April laugh, jump in the Trans Am, and as it roars down the street, we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT THE END