ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY - STOCK An ambulance streaks through the streets, siren blaring and red lights flashing. INT. AMBULANCE - DAY - FAVORING BECKY PHILLIPS age ten, a bright-eyed, perky child who is not feeling well, but pretending to enjoy her ride in an ambulance despite the fact that she's the patient. Her mother, Laura, rides next to her and tries to keep her daughter calm, but her own veneer of composure is none too solid. BECKY Mommy, we just ran a red light! LAURA Ambulances can do that, honey. How do you feel? BECKY I feel better now. Honest. Next to them, a Paramedic radios information ahead to the hospital. PARAMEDIC ...Vital signs stable, and she's conscious and alert. Have 2000 ccs of O-Negative standing by. BECKY Am I going to need transfusions again? LAURA (almost cracking) Yes, honey. BECKY It's worse this time, isn't it? Laura's look tells the truth. LAURA Everything's going to be okay. CUT TO EXT. STREET - DAY as K.I.T.T. races through. EXT. HEALTH CLUB/GYM K.I.T.T. screeches to a halt in front of a small aerobics/ nautilus style gym. We see April standing on the front steps, dressed in leotard, tights, and leg warmers under her topcoat. She's carrying a fashionable tote bag. She hurries to the car, gets in. They pull away in a hurry. INT. TRANS AM - DAY APRIL What happened? MICHAEL They're not sure. Only that she was given some antibiotics -- and they're raising havoc with her system. APRIL It's so soon since the last time she was in the hospital. MICHAEL She's tough...She's your niece, isn't she? She'll make it. APRIL How's Laura? MICHAEL She was pretty torn up when she called Devon. APRIL Since her husband Sam died, Becky's been her whole life.... MICHAEL Hey, take it easy. They're both gonna need you. APRIL And look at me...I didn't even take time to change. MICHAEL You look fine. EXT. HOSPITAL - DAY The Trans Am pulls up. K.I.T.T. Tell Becky I'm pulling for her. APRIL I will, Kitt. Michael and April race for the entrance. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY Devon is waiting with Laura, who is visibly shaken at the trauma her daughter is going through. April runs to her sister, and embraces her warmly. Michael lingers with Devon for a moment. MICHAEL How's she doing? DEVON I'm afraid it doesn't look good. The transfusions just aren't working for some reason. They move to the women. LAURA Michael -- Thanks for being here. MICHAEL That's what families are for. LAURA She's been asking for you and Kitt. MICHAEL He's right outside. They look up as Dr. Kiley approaches. DR. KILEY It's the pneumonia. Normally aplastic anemia can be held in check by fresh blood. But in this case, the antibiotics are wiping out the white cells as fast as we can replace them. DEVON Which means what, exactly? DR. KILEY Which means, at best, we're in a holding pattern. DEVON How much time do we have? DR. KILEY Thirty-six to forty-eight hours. Not more. After that, the degeneration will have done too much damage even for a marrow transplant. LAURA (recoiling) Transplant?! DR. KILEY It's always been an option. But, I'm afraid that this time, there's no alternative. LAURA (desperate) Then let me be the donor. DR. KILEY Mrs. Phillips, the records indicate that Becky was adopted. There's no family matching possible. MICHAEL What about one of us? DR. KILEY We'll check you out. Meanwhile, we're trying for a computer match- up. It's a complicated process, and the computers aren't always aware of the urgency of our human needs. It's going to take time. On their looks: CUT TO INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Becky is propped up in a hospital bed. The door swings ajar and Michael and April enter. APRIL Hi, sweetheart. BECKY Aunt April! Michael! Hi! She hugs them both. BECKY Michael, we rode in an ambulance. We ran a red light! MICHAEL Was it faster than Kitt? BECKY Well, maybe. But not as nice. Is he here? Michael gestures grandly, pulls up his sleeve, and addresses his comlink. MICHAEL (into comlink) Somebody here wants to talk to you, Kitt. He puts the comlink close to Becky. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Becky? Can you hear me? It's... it's... (with a little embarrassment) It's Black Beauty. BECKY (smiling now) Shh. That's our secret. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE (audibly relieved) It's good to hear your voice. How are you feeling? BECKY (into comlink) Well...I get a little spinny. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE You just rest and get better so you can come riding with us again. BECKY (into comlink) All right. The door opens and Devon gestures Michael outside. MICHAEL Be right back, Becky. He exits with Devon. April reacts, turns back to Becky. BECKY Aunt April, how come you're wearing those clothes? INT. CORRIDOR - DAY as Michael and Devon join Dr. Kiley in the hall. MICHAEL What is it? DR. KILEY Our computer's down. We can't get through to I.R.M.A. DEVON Irma? DR. KILEY Interstate Research and Medical Assistance. Our data base. DEVON How long? DR. KILEY Whatever time it takes. MICHAEL We haven't got time!..Doctor Kiley, do you have hard copy on Becky's data? EXT. HOSPITAL PARKING LOT - DAY Michael is just reaching K.I.T.T.'s parking space. K.I.T.T. Michael, I wish there were something I could do. I feel helpless. MICHAEL There is, Kitt. He climbs into the car. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael pushes a few buttons and feeds a print-out into K.I.T.T.'s dash. MICHAEL This is Becky's file. We need to contact a computer named I.R.M.A. that has the records on suitable donors for Becky. K.I.T.T. I.R.M.A.? Say no more. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S DASH We see the dash blink and whirr into action. Appropriate graphics appear on the monitors. A very dry, dehumanized, female computer voice addresses K.I.T.T. and Michael. I.R.M.A. This is the automated voice of Interstate Research and Medical Assistance. Indicate desired information. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL Whew! Get a load of that voice. I.R.M.A. Please repeat. K.I.T.T. Never mind. This is Knight Industries Two Thousand requesting donor match for bone marrow transplant. I'm transmitting data now. I.R.M.A. I will scan and retrieve appropriate files. K.I.T.T. Thank you. (beat; to Michael) I don't know why they can't give those machines a little more.... MICHAEL Pizazz? K.I.T.T. Exactly. MICHAEL She's just not your type, Kitt. INT. HOSPITAL WAITING ROOM - DAY April and Laura sit close together. Devon paces. April offers quiet consolation. LAURA Forty-eight hours.... APRIL At least two days, Laura...That's a long time. Michael enters, joins them. DEVON Any luck? MICHAEL Yes and no. There were three suit- able donors in the computer. LAURA Good...! MICHAEL Not so good, Laura. One of them is dead. Another is out of the country, and can't be reached. APRIL And the third? MICHAEL We have a name and an address in Cedar City, but there's no phone listed. LAURA (trying for control) Then, I guess we've done all we can. MICHAEL No way! It's only a few hundred miles. I'm out of here right now. Tell Becky I love her. He exits. DEVON (softly) Godspeed, Michael. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - VARIOUS SHOTS OF K.I.T.T. - STOCK tracing a black line across the heartland, with music up under. K.I.T.T. (V.O.) So even though Becky is adopted, she's still April's niece. MICHAEL (V.O.) That's right. K.I.T.T. (V.O.) This business of family seems pretty complicated, Michael. INT. TRANS AM - DAY - DRIVING Michael sits at the wheel. MICHAEL It can be...See, family doesn't just mean who you're related to. Family is the people who love you and care about you. It doesn't matter how you know each other. Some friends are like family. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid I still find it a bit confusing. MICHAEL Well, take Devon and April and you and me. I'd say we're a family, wouldn't you? K.I.T.T. (pause) By your definition, yes. MICHAEL See what I mean? K.I.T.T. Thank you, Michael. EXT. COUNTRYSIDE - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. - DRIVING as they rocket toward their destination. EXT. STREETS OF CEDAR CITY - DAY The Trans Am tools up the block in a modest, tough neighbor- hood. It's not barrio, but it's not too far from it. A few people notice the strange shiny black car. K.I.T.T. (V.O.) This is the street, Michael. INT. K.I.T.T. The Trans Am slows, moving into an area of apartments and storefronts. MICHAEL 748. It's in the next block, Kitt. Right up here somewhere. K.I.T.T. pulls along slowly in front of a row of small businesses. We can see numbers clearly marked: 742, 746... then 750. K.I.T.T. I don't see any 748, Michael. MICHAEL Maybe it's in the back. He pulls the Trans Am to the curb. ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael exits the Trans Am and surveys the street. There's a group of four young male Chicanos sitting on a porch across the street. These are Los Vengadors, a local gang. Prominent among them is a young man we'll come to know as Santos. Nearby a couple of low-riders are parked. Sweeping in front of his shop on Michael's side of the street is an older shopkeeper. Michael decides he looks like the best bet and approaches him. MICHAEL Keep your scanner peeled, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Of course, Michael. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND SHOPKEEPER MICHAEL (approaching) Excuse me. I'm looking for 748. SHOPKEEPER Not on this street. I'm 746, then it goes to fifty. MICHAEL I've got to find a guy named Julio Rodriques. It's very important. SHOPKEEPER (slight reaction) Don't know him. He goes back to his sweeping. MICHAEL A little girl's life is at stake. It's a medical emergency. This gets him nowhere. EXT. PORCH - ANGLE ON LOS VENGADORS The young toughs are watching everything Michael does. SANTOS He doesn't look like a cop to me. Maybe he's a Conqueror. Santos rises and starts toward K.I.T.T., the others follow. RESUME ON MICHAEL MICHAEL Okay, maybe the address was wrong but he must be from this neighbor- hood. Julio Rodriquez. Come on, man.... SHOPKEEPER I don't know where he is. Michael's comlink buzzes. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, I think we have company. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW Michael turns around and sees Los Vengadors surrounding his car. They're checking it out, casual but menacing. Santos lounges against K.I.T.T.'s hood. They place themselves so that they definitely cut Michael off from his trans- portation. OMITTED ON MICHAEL His brows narrow as he addresses K.I.T.T. via comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, what do you say we lose the welcoming committee? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Good idea, Michael. OMITTED EXT. K.I.T.T. - ON GROUP as the Trans Am suddenly starts up, startling the group. They turn around and look in. There's no one there. K.I.T.T. Con su permiso. The gang look at each other in confused silence as K.I.T.T. blind drives around them and toward Michael. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. AND MICHAEL as K.I.T.T. drives up to Michael, then pops the door; Michael gets in and they drive away. ANGLE - THE GANG as they watch him drive away. Santos moves to the Shopkeeper. THE TWO SANTOS What did he want? SHOPKEEPER He asked about Julio...but I didn't tell him anything. I don't get involved. Santos is affected by the news. His face is tense as he looks after the departing Trans Am. SANTOS That's okay, man. We get involved. FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. CEDAR CITY STREET as K.I.T.T. drives along. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael drives, deep in thought, pulls around a corner, stops. After a moment: K.I.T.T. Michael, we must consider the possibility that we won't find him. MICHAEL No...we'll find him, Kitt. We just have to start over. K.I.T.T. From where? MICHAEL I'm not about the hospital? Rodriquez gave them a phony address. Why...? Kitt, do we know what Rodriquez was admitted for? K.I.T.T. I didn't access that information but.... MICHAEL ...Irma might have it. You mind, buddy? K.I.T.T. Not if it will help us help Becky. Just give me a moment.... ANGLE ON MONITOR as we see a computer readout, as K.I.T.T. contacts I.R.M.A. "This is the Knight Industries Two Thousand" and "I.R.M.A. access on line" flashes on the monitor. K.I.T.T. I have interfaced with Irma, Michael. MICHAEL She's all yours. K.I.T.T. Irma, can you tell me what Julio Rodriquez was admitted to the hospital for? Lights and graphics flash on K.I.T.T.'s screen. I.R.M.A. Rodriquez, Julio. Age nineteen. Blood type, O-negative. Five feet, ten inches tall. One hundred seventy pounds...admitted to Hoff Medical Center emergency trauma ward by Cedar City Police Gang Unit. Treated for...knife wound. MICHAEL A knife wound. How did that happen? I.R.M.A. I am not programmed with that information. The monitor shows "I.R.M.A. access terminated." MICHAEL She's not very friendly, is she? K.I.T.T. You're just spoiled, Michael. MICHAEL I think you're right. (then) Police gang unit, huh? Well at least we're out of the starting gate. He pulls a 180, drives away. CLOSEUP - POLICE RECORD - DAY as we see the file on Julio Rodriquez tossed down. MICHAEL'S VOICE What do you mean, he's missing? We pull back to: INT. CEDAR CITY POLICE STATION - DAY Small and cluttered. A few overworked desk officers are busy on the phones, their desks overflowing with paperwork. Standing with Michael is Officer Reyes, professional, concerned, but obviously equally overworked and frustrated. OFFICER REYES Maybe that's not the right word. At least if they're missing, you might be able to find them. 'Dug in' is what I'd call it. MICHAEL 'Dug in' mean hiding? OFFICER REYES That's right, and after what went down, you could turn the city inside out and not shake him loose. He's a member of a gang, Los Vengadors. Last week they mixed it up pretty good with the Conquerors from the south side. When all was said and done, their leader went to the hospital with a bullet wound. Word is, he may not make it. MICHAEL And Julio Rodriquez was knifed. OFFICER REYES There's no hard evidence...but the word on the street is that he pulled the trigger. Michael reacts, then looks over at a large street map of the city on the wall. OFFICER REYES I grew up here myself, but there's no way of knowing where Rodriquez would be hiding. You get real creative when your life depends on it. MICHAEL Unfortunately, his life isn't the only one that depends on it. He moves off. CUT TO CLOSEUP - CHECKERBOARD - DAY The "red player" is obviously winning, what with a whole slew of black checkers piled up behind the red side, and at least half the red checkers already "kniged." A small hand comes into frame, picks up one of the kinged red checkers, and jumps the remaining black checkers with a flourish. We pull back to: INT. BECKY'S HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Devon is sitting on the bed with Becky, playing checkers. He throws up his hands in "mock" surrender. DEVON I give up. I'm being slaughtered worse than the 'Charge of the Light Brigade.' Becky grins with delight. BECKY You wanna play again? I'll let you win this time. DEVON Charity begins at home...not on the checkerboard. No, young lady, I know when I'm overmatched. BECKY You'll get better, I'll teach you. DEVON Well, perhaps a few tips from the master.... The phone rings, and Devon answers it. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY as we see the "Phone Line" button activated. MICHAEL's Michael, how's Becky doing? INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - ON DEVON - INTERCUT WITH MICHAEL as Devon looks over to Becky and smiles. DEVON Apart from the fact that she has no regard for her elders, she's in top form, Michael. Becky's face lights up at the mention of Michael. BECKY Can I talk to him? DEVON (to Becky) In a moment, Becky. (then to Michael) How are things going? MICHAEL Not good. The donor turns out to be a guy who's wanted for killing the leader of a rival gang. He's hidden out somewhere. Devon takes that in, then glances at Becky whose smiling face is taking in his side of the conversation. Devon turns back to the phone, then, covering: DEVON Well, splendid, Michael. Sounds marvelous. That's good news. MICHAEL Devon, can you hear me? It could take days to locate this guy...if he's still alive. DEVON I see. Well, that sounds promising, Michael. Becky's right here, and she wants to talk with you. MICHAEL Okay, I got it. (then) Devon, I'm not giving up, you know that. DEVON I understand, Michael, and I appreciate it. Here's Becky. Devon gives the phone to an excited Becky. She takes it. BECKY (into phone) Michael...when are you coming back? MICHAEL Soon, I'm just taking care of a few things. There's someone else who'd like to talk to you. K.I.T.T. Hello, Becky, are you taking good care of Devon? BECKY (lighting up) Kitt! (then, almost as a secret) Your lesson in checkers paid off. He never knew what hit him. K.I.T.T. When I see you again I'll give you a few pointers on chess. Becky giggles at that. MICHAEL Kitt and I have to go now, sweetheart, but we'll see you real soon. BECKY Okay. Bye. As we lose intercut, April walks into the room. She sees Becky hanging up the phone. APRIL Hi, honey. BECKY Aunt April! Guess what. I just talked to Michael and Kitt. April shoots a concerned look at Devon. APRIL How is everything? DEVON (covering) Michael's doing just splendidly. He's very resourceful, you know. APRIL (picking up on it; concerned) I know. OMITTED EXT. CEDAR CITY STREET - DAY as K.I.T.T. drives down the street, past a familiar location, we see an ND car pull in some length behind him. INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, there's a car following us. Shall we lose them? MICHAEL Whoever it is must be as interested in Julio as we are. That could be our lead. K.I.T.T. How are we going to talk to him? Polite introductions don't seem in vogue around here. MICHAEL (thinks a moment) Kitt, you're about to be the big cheese in a shiny black mouse trap! K.I.T.T. A somewhat unpleasant metaphor. MICHAEL Not if it works! EXT. STREET - ON TRANS AM as it stops by a drugstore. Michael gets out and walks into the store. We hold for a moment, then we see the other car stop. The driver gets out. It's Santos. He waits until Michael is inside, then walks quickly over to K.I.T.T. CLOSER ANGLE - K.I.T.T. as Santos looks inside. Then looking around, he tries the door, and seeing that it's open gets inside. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY as Santos settles in, the door still open. He immediately begins searching around for some kind of ID on the driver. Suddenly, the driver's door slams shut. Santos tries to open it, but it's locked. Then in another instant, the passenger door opens and Michael gets in. He sits down as a startled Santos tries again to get out. MICHAEL You like licorice? He offers a small bag, a piece of red licorice. Santos just looks at him. SANTOS Who are you? MICHAEL Let's get moving, Kitt. The auto drive button goes on, the gearshift flips into drive and the car pulls out...with a helpless Santos behind the wheel. He desperately tries to steer the car, work the pedals. SANTOS What's going on? MICHAEL That's what I'd like to know. Since I hit town, you've fallen in love with my car. Why? SANTOS I like it. MICHAEL Me, too. But I think what you're really interested in is looking out for Julio Rodriquez. SANTOS I don't know him. MICHAEL Turn here, Kitt. EXT. INTERSECTION as K.I.T.T. makes a turn. INT. K.I.T.T. SANTOS Where we goin'? MICHAEL I was at the police station today. They've got a very interesting map. Shows all the territories of the different gangs. Thought I'd take a scenic drive over to the Conquerors' territory. SANTOS No way! They'll kill me! He tries to get out, to no avail. MICHAEL Where's Julio? SANTOS Come on man, what are you trying to do? MICHAEL I'm trying to save a little girl's life. SANTOS What's that got to do with me? MICHAEL I need Julio's help. You're a 'brother.' I figure you'd know where he is. SANTOS No way. I ain't tellin' you that. MICHAEL Fine. Then let's just enjoy the view. EXT. CONQUEROR TERRITORY - DAY as we see the Trans Am moving along. An astonished member of the gang, Ric, watches as he sees Santos behind the wheel. He signals to three other Conquerors behind him (including Tony). INT. K.I.T.T. - ON SANTOS as he sees that he's been spotted. He tries to slump down. SANTOS They saw me man, get me outta here! MICHAEL I need five minutes of Julio's time. Just to talk. SANTOS I told you I can't do that. He's under protection. Michael looks around, then: MICHAEL This looks good, Kitt. EXT. CURBSIDE The Trans Am stops by the curb and the driver's door is popped open. We can see Ric, Tony and the other Conquerors closing in. Santos reacts, tries to close the door. No go. INT. K.I.T.T. SANTOS Close the door, they'll rip me apart! MICHAEL Where's Julio? Santos looks out again as they are coming closer. He tries the door one more time. It's as if the panel is welded open. Then, quickly: SANTOS Okay...okay. I'll take you to him. NEW ANGLE as Ric gets closer to K.I.T.T. SANTOS (to Michael) If you wanna talk to Julio, I gotta make a phone call first. Just close the door! MICHAEL You got a deal. The door closes just as Ric reaches it, and the Trans Am roars away leaving Ric and the gang empty-handed. Ric turns to the others. RIC You hear that? He knows where Julio is. Let's go. They move off toward two parked vans. EXT. ST. ANDREWS CHURCH - DAY as the Trans Am drives up to the church and stops. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY as Michael, now driving, looks up at the church. MICHAEL He's in there? SANTOS Like I said. EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY as Michael and Santos get out of the car and begin up the steps of the church. Camera pushes into K.I.T.T.'s scanner as he begins to survey the scene. INT. CHURCH - DAY A rather beautiful, but small, neighborhood church. It is empty as they enter, except for one old lady who sits quietly in the back, praying. Santos indicates a confes- sional. SANTOS In there. Michael hesitates, goes in. NEW ANGLE as a group of Los Vengadors members drift in, take seats. With them is a girl, around eighteen, dark, large innocent eyes, beautiful. Her name is Terri. INT. CONFESSIONAL Michael waits for a moment, then we can hear the door open on the other side and someone enters. The door closes. Michael slides the viewing door the door on the other side also opens. It's hard to see the person on the other side through the grate, but it's Julio Rodriquez. JULIO What do you want? MICHAEL To help you. JULIO Who says I need help? MICHAEL The cops are looking for you. The Conquerors are looking for you...It's just a matter of time. JULIO So? What can you do? MICHAEL Get you out. JULIO Yeah? You some kind of magician? MICHAEL Something like that. Look, there's a girl who's dying. I need you to come with can save her life. And I can save yours. JULIO What you think I am, some kind of doctor? No way, man, I'm not moving from here until the heat settles. The comlink buzzes, then we hear K.I.T.T.'s voice. K.I.T.T. (V.O.) Michael, I'm picking up the approach of two vans from the Lanark area. JULIO Who's that? MICHAEL A friend outside. JULIO Lanark area...that's Conquerors' territory. We can hear Julio leave the other booth. Michael immediately steps out of the confessional. INT. CHURCH - OUTSIDE CONFESSIONAL as Michael and Julio confront each other. Julio is tall, around twenty, with a lean and strong build. The moment is tense. Michael notes the rest of the gang as Santos comes from the door. SANTOS The Conquerors are outside, man! The others react. MICHAEL They just want you, Julio. Why risk the others? Terri runs up to Julio. She is afraid. TERRI Julio, please...listen to him. We've got plans, right? They're no good when you're dead. JULIO (to Michael) What have you got, a tank? SANTOS It's close man. Julio looks at Santos, then at the pleading Terri, then: JULIO Okay...I'll go with you. But just to cool out this place. MICHAEL (on comlink) Kitt, pick us up in the alley! As Michael and Julio hurry out a side door. EXT. CHURCH ALLEY - DAY as they run down the steps. K.I.T.T. drives up and pops his doors. Julio reacts. He and Michael get in. INT. K.I.T.T. as Michael settles, looks off, reacts. MICHAEL Company. Julio follows his look. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - THE ALLEY is blocked by a van. Intercut Michael reacting to a second van at the opposite end. NEW ANGLE The vans fire up, start to converge on K.I.T.T. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Kitt, do we have room to turbo? K.I.T.T. Negative, Michael...there's not enough distance. JULIO Hey, what's going on? We can see through the windows as the vans move toward K.I.T.T. JULIO I thought you said you could get me out of here! Michael reacts. EXTERIOR - SHOT as the vans close in. FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. CHURCH ALLEY - HIGH ANGLE - DAY As we see the two vans moving in on K.I.T.T. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY MICHAEL Kitt, what about a double turbo? One to pop the angle, and the other to clear the vans? K.I.T.T. I've never tried it before. MICHAEL That's what it's all about, pal.... With that, Michael hits the turbo button. Julio grabs hold of the dash as they are both shot back against their seats. EXT. K.I.T.T. - STREET - DAY as the Trans Am rears up on two back wheels. INT. K.I.T.T. - FAVORING CONTROL PANEL as Michael hits the turbo boost button a second time. EXT. STREET - FULL - SLOW MOTION Still propped up on two back wheels, the Trans Am shoots up and over the vans, just missing the tops by inches. RIC, TONY AND CONQUERORS as they watch in disbelief. OMITTED STREET - OTHER SIDE OF VANS The Trans Am lands, then speeds away. The Conquerors pull out in their vans, to chase after K.I.T.T. ANOTHER ANGLE - STREET as we see K.I.T.T. roaring away at incredible speed, leaving the vans far behind them. K.I.T.T. - DAY - RUN THRU INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY as they continue down an open road. MICHAEL (to Julio) You okay? JULIO I gotta admit, I'm impressed, man, I've heard of lifters.... Lights flash on the monitor. K.I.T.T. We've lost them, Michael. MICHAEL All right! JULIO What is this, you got some guy back at the shop you talk to? MICHAEL No. A computer right here. Julio, meet Kitt. He's part of the family. K.I.T.T. Thank you, Michael. Julio reacts; then: JULIO What happens now? MICHAEL I told you. There's a sick little girl, who needs your help. JULIO Why me? MICHAEL Because you're compatible. JULIO What? MICHAEL You're a good donor. JULIO You mean like blood? MICHAEL Yeah, more or less. JULIO I don't know.... MICHAEL You got something better to do? Julio glances out the rear window. JULIO Not right now. MICHAEL Okay. (to K.I.T.T.) I think Devon would like some good news, Kitt. K.I.T.T. With pleasure, Michael. INT. HOSPITAL - WAITING ROOM - DAY as a nurse answers the phone and motions to Devon, who's waiting with April. He crosses, takes the receiver. DEVON Thank you. (into phone) Yes? Michael that's absolutely wonderful news. Congratulations. I knew you could do it. I'll tell the others. Devon hangs up the phone and turns to April who takes in his smile. APRIL He's found the donor. DEVON Yes, and he's bringing him to the hospital. There still is the small matter of convincing him to do it. APRIL I believe we can. I'm beginning to believe a lot of things again. She turns and starts up the corridor. INT. BECKY'S ROOM - DAY Becky is reading a story out of a book...aloud. Her mother, Laura, is fast asleep in a chair by her night stand. April comes into the room. APRIL Becky? BECKY Shhh. I finally got her to sleep. Mom's been more nervous than my substitute teacher. April smiles at the sight of Laura asleep. She takes a spare blanket from the foot of Becky's bed and puts it over her legs, then sits down on the bed next to Becky. APRIL What are you reading? BECKY Fredrick the Frog. It's about this frog who has no friends except for his reflection in the pond. I read it before. (then) When are Michael and Kitt coming back? APRIL Real soon...and they're bringing the man who's going to help you get better. Isn't that great? BECKY (quiet) Sometimes I feel like I'll never get better. Sometimes I get so tired, like I stayed up past my bedtime...and it's only afternoon. April strokes her hair. APRIL There are so many people who love you, and care about you, you're bound to get better. Like your mother and me, and Mr. Miles, and Michael.... BECKY ...and Kitt! APRIL And Kitt. With all that love, nothing can go wrong. She gives Becky a reassuring smile. Becky smiles back, gives her a hug. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - CLOSE ON VAN as we can see Ric driving the van down the deserted highway at high speed. Tony is next to him, looking out the window. The second van follows. INT. VAN - DAY as Tony glances at Ric. TONY Sooner or later they've got to stop for gas or something. We'll find 'em. RIC We better. After all the trouble we went to catching our little 'prize.' It would be a shame if Julio didn't get to see it. Suddenly the CB crackles to life. CB VOICE Swordfish to Ramrod. You read me? Ric lifts the mike and responds. RIC I read you. Go ahead. CB VOICE Ric...hey...uh...listen. RIC Come on, man. What is it? CB VOICE It's Jimmy. TONY What about him? CB VOICE He didn't make it. Tony slams his fist against the dash. TONY! RIC Come on...that's not going to get us anywhere. TONY I'll tell you what'll get us somewhere when we find them. Her. He indicates the back of the van. ANGLE - BACK OF VAN as we see two other Conquerors crouched in the back. Between them we can see another figure...Terri, her eyes full of terror. EXT. HIGHWAY - NEAR WOODED AREA - DAY as we see K.I.T.T. traveling down the road. Overhead we can see the beginnings of storm clouds churning up the blue sky. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Julio has relaxed somewhat. He looks around the seat, and comes up with a small bag. He looks in and pulls out a piece of licorice. MICHAEL Go ahead. I bought it for Santos. Julio doesn't understand, but he takes a bite of the licorice and chews it hungrily. A moment, then: MICHAEL You want to tell me about the shooting? JULIO What's to tell? You heat up, get a little fried, you're nervous, you've got all this energy see, and no place to put it. MICHAEL What was the beef? JULIO We were on their turf, man. That's enough. I was out front. We heard the cops. I started running, and this dude Jimmy stuck me from behind. Next thing I knew I heard a pop, turned around and he was down. MICHAEL So because he knifed you, everyone thinks you shot him? JULIO When someone 'buys it' on the street you got to put the finger somewhere. Otherwise you got no place to put the anger. MICHAEL Why not put it on the truth? JULIO You make up the truth out there, just like you make up the justice. MICHAEL Right. And look where it got you. Julio throws the bag down, then: JULIO Ahhh, what am I doing here? I don't even like licorice. EXT. RURAL HIGHWAY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. The Trans Am's full-tilt cruise is slowed as: K.I.T.T. (V.O.) Michael, we have a problem. There's a roadblock up ahead. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Julio gets edgy. Michael tries to calm him. JULIO Cops. I knew it. Let me out of here. MICHAEL Stay cool. They don't want you. EXT. ROADBLOCK - DAY Several cars are lined up as a Highway Patrol officer waves them onto a detour. We see K.I.T.T. drive up to the end of the line. Michael exits and walks up to the Trooper. MICHAEL What's the trouble? TROOPER Road's washed out up ahead, from the storm. We're rerouting all traffic west of here. Michael is concerned. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Julio fidgets uncomfortably. JULIO What's taking so long? K.I.T.T. He's only been gone forty seconds. JULIO Yeah, well, listen. I've got to stretch my legs. K.I.T.T. I don't think that's a very good idea. Julio hesitates, glances at the dash, punches the "roof" button. The roof pops open. Julio scrambles out. K.I.T.T. Michael...! EXT. TRANS AM - DAY Julio bolts directly into the thick woods nearby. EXT. ROADBLOCK - DAY Michael is still with the cop. TROOPER ...Look, everybody's got important business or an emergency, or something. I can't let you through this road. MICHAEL Thanks anyway. Suddenly the comlink buzzes. Michael answers as he heads back toward the car. MICHAEL Yeah, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm afraid I've let Julio escape. Michael runs to the car, gets in, pitches a 180 and heads off down the road. INT. TRANS AM - DAY K.I.T.T. Michael, I feel just awful. MICHAEL What's done is done, Kitt. Let's just get him back. EXT. DENSE WOODS - DAY Julio races through the trees, chest heaving, heart pounding. He runs roughly parallel to the road but well concealed. A branch rips at his shirt. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S DASH The scanner monitor shows a ripple area for the woods, with a small blip moving. It's Julio. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael reacts to the scan. MICHAEL There he is, Kitt. Suddenly there's a crack of thunder. We hear static coming from the dash. The monitor picture fades, comes back, then breaks up in static and snow. K.I.T.T. Michael, I lost him. I'm encountering interference from this storm. MICHAEL (slams the steering wheel) We've come too close to blow this now. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The two Conquerors vans loom out of the gathering dusk. They're cruising slowly, obviously on "full alert." EXT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING - STOCK Darkness has fallen. INT. HOSPITAL WAITING ROOM - NIGHT Devon brings two cups of coffee to the spot where April, who sits slumped on a chair. She takes one gratefully. APRIL Did you reach Michael? DEVON We're not raising anything on Kitt's main frequency. It seems there's a heavy electrical storm between here and Cedar City. They could walk in here any minute. APRIL God, I hope so. Laura comes out of Becky's room to join them. DEVON How is she? LAURA Resting. April, her breathing is so shallow. And she's pale. Any word? APRIL Nothing new. DEVON (reaching) They say no news is good news. LAURA 'They' say a lot of things. Devon places a hand on Laura's shoulder, reassuringly. DEVON I know. I know. EXT. WOODS - NIGHT Julio is half-running, half-walking through an area where the trees are somewhat thinner. He's breathing heavily. His shirt is torn and wet from the intermittent rain. He stops for a moment, exhausted, then turns and makes his way toward the road. EXT. HIGHWAY as Julio trudges along the shoulder. Suddenly lights of a vehicle appear, accompanied by the roar of engines. Julio reacts, realizes it's the Conquerors' vans just as they squeal to a stop. He tries to run but is tackled immediately by two of the gang members and pulled roughly to his feet, his arms pinioned to his sides. Ric walks into the area illuminated by the vans' headlights. RIC So. Looks like our little chicken has come home to roost. Toss him in back with his chiquita, guys. Julio reacts, glares hatred at his opposite number. EXT. HIGHWAY - ON K.I.T.T. - NIGHT moving slowly along the side of the road, still searching for Julio. The car glides to a stop. INT. TRANS AM - NIGHT Michael rubs his forehead for a moment. He's exhausted. MICHAEL I'm going blind staring out into the trees, Kitt. I think I see him everywhere. K.I.T.T. I still can't get a good view of the area, Michael. And my energy cells are depleting. MICHAEL See if you can raise Devon. A new graphic on the monitor tells us K.I.T.T.'s trying. Nothing but the crackle of static as thunder booms and lightning flashes. MICHAEL We're alone out here. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm getting something. Look! Graphics reveal a "snowy" view of several unidentifiable shapes. K.I.T.T. Two vehicles approaching a large structure point six miles east. MICHAEL Go for it, Kitt. It's our only shot. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT K.I.T.T. spins off the main drag onto a dirt road. EXT. BARN - NIGHT The Conquerors' vans park outside. The gang climbs out, taking Julio and Terri inside. INT. BARN - NIGHT as they enter the deserted barn. Someone lights an old kerosene lamp. Julio's arms are pulled up painfully behind him as he's tied to a chair. Terri is restrained by a Conqueror as she looks on in horror. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT - ON K.I.T.T. The Trans Am stops just within sight of the barn. K.I.T.T. There it is, Michael. And there are those vans. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE BARN We see the flickering light and some shadowy movement inside. INT. TRANS AM - NIGHT Michael's wheels are turning. K.I.T.T. Michael, there are seven of them. Four are armed. MICHAEL Not very good odds. K.I.T.T. I agree. The odds are terrible. MICHAEL (smiles) I mean they don't have a chance. Here's the plan. INT. BARN - NIGHT Ric finishes dumping the last of a can of kerosene around the old barn and throws the can aside with a bang. He turns to Julio. RIC Only good thing for me in all this. It's gonna hurt you a lot more than it hurt Jimmy. Suddenly a blaze of lights seem to glare into the barn from all directions, through the rickety walls, windows, and lofts. Noises come from all sides at once. It sounds like the seventh cavalry is outside. Tires squeal, doors slam, voices are heard. The gang reacts, startled and alarmed. K.I.T.T. (bullhorn filtered) You in there. Throw out your weapons and come out with your hands raised high. EXT. BARN AREA - NIGHT K.I.T.T. is racing all around the barn, screeching his tires and revving his engine. Powerful searchlights glare into the barn, first red, then white, then both. Headlights blink, doors open and slam shut. It's quite a display. K.I.T.T. (over bullhorn) You have thirty seconds. This is the police. ANGLE ON MICHAEL He's pressed tight against the main barn door, illumined by the flashing lights of the Trans Am, which continues blaring in the b.g. As he waits to see if his ruse will work, we: FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. BARN - NIGHT K.I.T.T. continues his charade as Michael flattens himself beside the door, waiting tensely. INT. BARN The Conquerors react to K.I.T.T.'s display, his light still flashing from O.S., his voice still audible. K.I.T.T. (O.S.) You're completely surrounded! Throw out your weapons and come out with your hands up! TONY Sounds like an army out there! RIC We got a better army in here! TONY You crazy? Those are cops! EXT. BARN - ANGLE ON DOOR For a moment, there is no movement. Then, slowly, the huge door creaks open. A hand reaches out and throws a pistol out on the ground. In a moment, Avenger #1 steps out and into the headlights' blinding glare. He freezes, hands in the air. Michael pciks up the gun, trains it on the Avenger. MICHAEL Be cool. K.I.T.T. All right, men! Hold your fire!! Now, the second Avenger repeats the same action. After a moment, Tony throws out his gun, exits the barn, and joins the other two. MICHAEL Let's go, people! Everybody out of there! Move it!! CLOSEUP - BARN DOOR For a moment, nothing happens. Then, slowly, Ric begins to emerge, at first, apparently alone. After a moment, however, he moves out into full view. His right hand grips the arm of a terrified Terri. His left holds a pistol pressed firmly into her side. ANGLE ON MICHAEL His face acknowledges his surprise. It's a standoff. RIC (blinded by headlights) Okay, big shot -- call off the army. TONY (moving out of light, looking around) There's no army, Ric. It's one guy! MICHAEL Just a little floor show for your benefit. RIC Get rid of the gun, funny man. MICHAEL Not until we talk. RIC Stick the talk! You keep the gun -- I shoot the girl! K.I.T.T. Michael, his pulse rate and Adrenalin flow indicate a highly agitated state. I suggest you comply! RIC Who's that? CONQUEROR His car! MICHAEL (hesitates, then drops the gun) You gonna hide behind the girl, or get it on like a man?! RIC The man's the one with the hardware, sucker! Thunder and lightning explode all around them. RIC Everybody back inside. They retrieve their guns and move in. INT. BARN as Michael enters, with Ric covering him and Terri. She moves to Julio. Michael and he exchange a look. There's O.S. thunder and rain through: RIC All right, nobody has anything else to say, let's get to it. Terri clings to Julio, frightened. TONY The girl, too? RIC What do you think? MICHAEL I've got something to say. What you do to each other is one thing, but if you kill them you'll have to kill me. And there's a whole lot of trouble backing me up. CONQUEROR We don't even know who he is. RIC What difference does it make? MICHAEL I'm with the Foundation for Law and Government. RIC So? MICHAEL We're in business to put people like you out of business. TONY Is that what you had to say? MICHAEL No...What if Julio didn't do it? RIC What are you talking about? He shot Jimmy in the back! MICHAEL How could Julio have shot Jimmy in the back if he was being chased by him? RIC Who says he was being chased? TONY There were no witnesses.... MICHAEL But Ric says Jimmy was shot in the back. How could he know that...? What if Julio's telling the truth, and somebody else killed Jimmy? TONY Like who? CONQUEROR Any one of Los Vengadors.... MICHAEL They were on your turf.... TONY So.... MICHAEL So maybe it wasn't one of 'the brothers' at all. RIC Come on, let's get this over with! MICHAEL We're in no rush. You in a rush Julio? JULIO No. MICHAEL Terri? TERRI No. MICHAEL See, no rush...So what's yours, man? RIC (hesitates) No rush. MICHAEL You run things now that Jimmy's gone? RIC Yeah, I was his second. TONY (thoughtful) You never liked that much.... RIC What are you sayin'! That I wasted your 'big shot' brother?! TONY Big shot. Jimmy wasn't no 'big shot' -- except maybe to you. RIC You're nuts, man! MICHAEL (to the group) You figured it was an enemy who shot Jimmy -- but the most dangerous enemy can be someone you trust. Tony makes a move on Ric, who turns his gun on him. Michael grabs Ric. They struggle and finally Michael wrestles the gun from Ric. CONQUEROR He would've blown you away.... MICHAEL Just like he did Jimmy. Tony motions to the Conquerors who have been guarding Julio and Terri. They hesitate, move away to join him. TONY (to Ric) We're gonna kill you, man. MICHAEL No. I'm going to turn him over to the police. He has the gun, but there are several of them. MICHAEL It can end right here -- if you let it. They eyeball each other, then: TONY Okay. MICHAEL Let's go, Julio. JULIO What about Terri? Michael hesitates. MICHAEL (to Tony) Would you see the lady home? TONY (sincere) Yeah... (to Julio) She'll be all right. Don't worry. Terri hesitates, looks from Julio to Tony. TERRI (to Julio) I'll be all right. EXT. ROADBLOCK - DAWN The rain has stopped. There is fog. In the b.g. the barriers are still up, police in evidence. Michael is turning Ric over to the police MOS. In the f.g., K.I.T.T. is parked with Julio in the passenger seat. INT. K.I.T.T. as Julio watches the O.S. proceedings, edgy again, eyes the woods. K.I.T.T. I don't think so. JULIO (startled) Huh? K.I.T.T. Not this time. JULIO What are you talking about? K.I.T.T. You know very well. Your treacherous behavior earlier. JULIO Man, this is crazy, talking to a car! K.I.T.T. Remember, Michael saved your life. You owe him. NEW ANGLE as Michael approaches K.I.T.T., climbs in. MICHAEL Everything okay? K.I.T.T. Perfect. You? MICHAEL Yep. Once I identified myself, the boys in blue were very grateful. How's our time, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Running out, Michael. Unlike Julio, who's staying right here. Am I correct... No answer. K.I.T.T. ...Julio? JULIO Yeah, yeah. Okay. MICHAEL Good. He starts the car. FULL SHOT as they drive away. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY as the Trans Am races toward the hospital, carrying a grudging Julio. There is fog. INT. TRANS AM - DAY MICHAEL You're doing the right thing. You know that, don't you? JULIO I know you got some good moves. Gettin' me off like you did. MICHAEL The truth got you off, Julio. It just needed somebody to tell it. JULIO (wanting to believe him) You think the cops'll believe me? MICHAEL We'll talk to them together. After we take care of Becky. JULIO That her name? Becky? MICHAEL Yeah. She's ten...and beautiful... and scared. JULIO Yeah, well I never had no transplant. They gonna take anything I need? MICHAEL Nothing you can't make more of. JULIO Like some kind of factory. (beat) Will it hurt? MICHAEL Probably. And from what I hear, there's always some risk. But the procedure isn't considered life- threatening. JULIO Oh, good. I get to live. MICHAEL You scared? Julio just looks at him. The silence is interrupted by K.I.T.T.'s dashboard going haywire. MICHAEL What is it, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Atmospheric interference again -- that electrical storm. I'm afraid I'm losing power again. A flashing red light illuminates the scanner. Michael pulls to a stop. MICHAEL What are you picking up? K.I.T.T. The road ahead. It registers 'impassable.' MICHAEL Any secondaries? K.I.T.T. One. On the other side of the river. MICHAEL Let's go for it. K.I.T.T. Negative. The bridge is washed out. MICHAEL What about turbo boost? K.I.T.T. I'm afraid that's out of the question. Even under normal circumstances the distance is too great. And without all our systems operational, we'll just be in over our heads. Quite literally. JULIO Great. I get away from the Conquerors and buy it in a car accident! MICHAEL Kitt -- scan the area. There's got to be another way! K.I.T.T. attempts to scan, but each time the signal breaks up. The fog settles in around the Trans Am. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid it's hopeless, Michael. MICHAEL No way. Not this close to the finish line. The scan screen momentarily blips into activity and presents a clear graphic. K.I.T.T. Wait a minute, Michael. Over there. Lower right quadrant...those two parallel lines disappearing into the distance?! MICHAEL Tracks! They're train tracks! K.I.T.T. Exactly. MICHAEL (relieved) I always wanted to ride the rails in style. Michael downshifts and heads for the ever-weakening blip on the screen. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ANGLE ON TRANS AM Michael jockeys the Trans Am through the fog and over some treacherous terrain, with only the fading blip on the screen for guidance. INT. TRANS AM - DAY JULIO (white-knuckled) You're crazy, you know that?! MICHAEL Hold on! This is an 'E' ticket ride! He hits turbo. NEW ANGLE The Trans Am miniturbos up onto the tracks, just as the scan screen goes blank for the last time. As it proceeds down the tracks: INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Very nice, Michael, very nice. MICHAEL I couldn't have done it without you. JULIO You're both crazy! A clap of thunder and slash of lightning cut through the fog. K.I.T.T. Michael -- I don't like the sound of that. MICHAEL Let's go for it, pal! He floors it. OMITTED ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. barreling down the tracks. INT. HOSPITAL WAITING ROOM - DAY April and Devon are there, looking tired, drained, even a little disheveled. April is dozing. Devon moves to a coffee machine, fishes for some coins, inserts them, pushes buttons. Nothing. He tries again, then slams his hand against the machine in frustration, waking April. He notices. DEVON Sorry. APRIL It's all right...What time is it? DEVON Still early. Can I get you something? This devilish machine's no good, but.... APRIL I'm fine, thanks. No word from Michael? DEVON He'll be here. He moves back to her. DEVON (continuing) If it's humanly possible, he'll be here. APRIL I know.... She looks up as Laura approaches, looking worn. They move to her. LAURA She's so still now, as if it's already over. APRIL Well it's not over. And it won't be! DEVON Becky's a fighter, Laura. She won't ever give up, and we mustn't either. LAURA I'm sorry. I'm tired. And Doctor Kiley says.... They put arms around her. Then, Devon reacts as: ANOTHER ANGLE Michael comes in, apparently alone. They react. But a few steps behind is Julio. LAURA Thank God. April holds her as Devon crosses to Michael and Julio. MICHAEL Julio, this is Devon Miles. Julio Rodriquez. Julio is increasingly aware of the hospital activity around them -- a gurney with a patient, an IV stand, and X-ray unit being wheeled through. DEVON I'm very happy you're here. Let me introduce Becky's mother and aunt.... He starts to lead Julio to April and Laura, who's trying to collect herself. Julio pulls back. JULIO (suddenly) No! I can't do it. MICHAEL (low and tense) What are you talking about? He draws him away from the women. Devon goes to Laura and April to reassure them. JULIO You made me come here. MICHAEL I saved your neck! JULIO Just 'cause you're crazy doesn't mean I am. MICHAEL (a beat) Tell you what, man...You're gonna cop out on that little girl, you tell her! INT. BECKY'S HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Michael "ushers" Julio into the room, stands by the door. ANGLE ON BECKY She is gravely ill, wan, and exhausted. She can barely speak. Julio sees the little girl. Hesitantly, he inches toward her. BECKY Are you the one who's going to help me? JULIO (quietly) Not exactly. He turns away, but there stands Michael. Immovable. Grim. BECKY (to Julio) You must be pretty scared. Julio tries not to make eye contact with her. JULIO Uh -- uh.... BECKY I am. But now that you're here, I feel better. Maybe...we can be scared together. She reaches for his hand. CLOSE ON JULIO reacting. He hesitates, touches the small hand. CLOSE ON MICHAEL reacting to the two. INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - DAY Just outside Becky's room, Michael and Julio come out, stop. Michael is carefully avoiding any signs of sentimentality. JULIO Bet you wouldn't get none of the Conquerors to do this. MICHAEL Bet you wouldn't. JULIO Lemme ask you something. MICHAEL Anything you want. JULIO If this is such a great thing I'm doin', how come I don't feel better doin' it? MICHAEL (smiling; to Julio) You will. FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. HOSPITAL - DAY K.I.T.T. is parked, scanner flashing. INT. WAITING ROOM AREA Devon and April are waiting for someone, they react as Laura approaches, wheeling Becky, who is pale, but looks much better. April and Devon move to them. APRIL Hey, this is quite an occasion, pumpkin. Your first day out in public! DEVON And I must say, you look smashing! BECKY (to Laura) Is that good, Mom? LAURA The best! Michael approaches, wheeling Julio up to Becky. BECKY Hi, Michael. MICHAEL Hello, sweetheart. BECKY (to Julio) Hi.... JULIO Hi! BECKY I haven't had a chance to say thank you. JULIO Hey, no big deal. It's okay. LAURA We all thank you, very much. She leans to kiss him on the cheek. He's embarrassed. JULIO Okay...okay. (softening) You're welcome. MICHAEL Got a surprise for you, Becky. He takes her chair from Laura, wheels her to a window, "parks" her sideways. MICHAEL Take a look. She raises herself slightly to look down. Michael whispers into his comlink. MICHAEL (into comlink) Now, pal. EXT. HOSPITAL - K.I.T.T. He activates, makes a U-turn, pulling up right below Becky's window. K.I.T.T. Hello, Becky. I'm so glad to see you. INTERCUT - BECKY with Michael beside her. BECKY (into comlink) Me, too. K.I.T.T. Can we go for a ride soon? MICHAEL The doctor says any day now, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Wonderful! That makes me very happy. ANGLE - DEVON AND APRIL with Julio and Laura, watching Becky. ANGLE ON MICHAEL MICHAEL Show her how happy that makes you, Kitt. BECKY'S POINT OF VIEW - DOWN SHOT - K.I.T.T. as he opens and closes his T-top briskly. CLOSE ON BECKY laughing with delight. FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT THE END