Knight Rider Italia
Knight Rider Italia remain one of Europe’s leading fan communities devoted to the Knight Rider television series, and they are hosting another noteworthy event in Busnago, near Milan later this month! Fans who visit the ‘Il Globo’ shopping mall on the weekend of the 23rd and 24th November will find KRI’s stand in the games area (‘Globo Giochi’) on the second floor, next to the entrance to the cinema. Two K.I.T.T. replicas will be parked inside the mall, and they hope to have additional replicas outside. Knight Rider-themed music and entertainment will be played in the lounge: Special DJ of the night being… K.I.T.T.!
But that’s not all: Knight Rider Italia have announced that on the Saturday evening a one-off screening of the Knight Rider Pilot Episode (aka. Knight of the Phoenix) will take place in the cinema!
After so many years we will all have the enormous pleasure and honor to attend the projection of the Beginning of the Dream of a Man on the Big Screen!! (For the pre-sale we will communicate the link to the cinema for the tickets on line, as soon as possible)
We thank for the collaboration and support, the playroom “GLOBO Giochi” and the Cinema “Planet Movie”, that will host us during the two-days event, for the realization of this dream!!!!
The cost of the Cinema Ticket to watch the special screening of the “Pilot” will be €5.00 per person.
Knight Rider Italia would like it noted that NO proceeds from the sale of the cinema tickets go to Knight Rider Italia (all proceeds will be used to cover the costs incurred by the mall for the use of the cinema, and the costs to cover the SIAE copyright). The Pilot Episode will be screened with Italian-dubbed audio.
More information can be found at Knight Rider Italia’s Facebook Events Page!