“You can’t believe how many deaf children love Knight Rider,” David Hasselhoff told the San Bernardino Sun TV Week in 1983. “It’s partly because it’s so visual, and they love to see all the action with the car. It was no surprise to me that many of them didn’t know that the car talked, but I would be thrilled if the series would be closed-captioned for them.”
David Hasselhoff went on to campaign to NBC that Knight Rider should carry closed captions, and it’s thanks to him that the show became accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing.

Knight Rider Archives YouTube Channel: Now with Closed Captions!
Now, the Knight Rider Archives are proud to announce that all videos on our YouTube Channel carry optional English Closed Captions, as will all subsequent videos we upload. Additional languages will also be added soon!
It’s important to us that all fans get to enjoy Knight Rider, and we hope that this makes a difference.
Find us here: Knight Rider Archives on YouTube