The Injury-Proof Car…

Interesting real-world developments in car technology: Volvo have been working on their bid to create an injury-proof car by 2020. Experts say it will be able to steer, brake and find out about the road ahead from sophisticated electronic scanners housed in its bumper. Does any of this sound familiar?

Their ultimate goal is that in the event of a serious crash, the driver and passengers will escape unhurt. Claes Tingvall, the Swedish Road Administration’s head of traffic safety, calls this “the biggest revolution in the auto industry since the seatbelt.” The article states that automakers, parts suppliers, governments and global agencies from the United Nations to the OECD are all looking at ways to eliminate the approximate 1.2 million deaths and 50 million injuries caused by motor vehicle crashes each year.

More about this at the following link:

Reuters – Volvo’s 2020 Vision: The Injury-Proof Car

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